Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3970: Earthquake (Part 1)

Xiao Yu's speed and strength are indeed extraordinary, even Du Jun and Bu Jingming, who are outsiders, are very surprised.

Of course, the Cloud Winged Wolf was not a vegetarian. It roared, and suddenly rushed out towards Xiao Yu.


The air exploded on the spot, and then a figure and the thirty-meter-large body were directly separated.

But Xiao Yu was only shaken back a few meters, but the Cloud Winged Wolf was shaken and flew out dozens of meters.

"How is it possible!?" Bu Jingming was shocked again.

The cloud-winged wolf fell into a disadvantage under the confrontation?

The expressions of everyone present were moved, and there were exclamations all over the floor.

However, before they could react, after Xiao Yu stabilized, he turned into an afterimage and swept up.

Where Jin Guang passed by, the third-class students present simply couldn't capture it. Those few second-class students also caught an afterimage, even Xiao Yu's face could not be captured.

It was Pang Kaiyu, who was the formation mage among the second-class students, whose eyes became solemn, and even he had to gather the thoughts of his whole body to see Xiao Yu clearly. Just imagine, how fast is Xiao Yu's speed?


Xiao Yu directly punched out again. The Cloud Winged Wolf was originally good at flying and speed. After receiving a blow, how could he repeat the same mistakes?

The cloud-winged wolf roared, turning into a white light, and the burst rate rose.

Its pair of wings burst out an amazing cold light, as if it could cut the hill in half.

"Zhenlong pile eleventh style, point the dragon!"

Feeling the opponent's fierce strength, Xiao Yu directly transformed the power of his body into a fierce dragon finger.

The golden light flickered, and a huge dragon claw appeared directly, suddenly tearing the white light.



The cloud-winged wolf wailed, and Xiao Yu's point of the dragon's finger directly marked his wing with a bony blood mark, which almost penetrated one of its wings.

The cloud-winged wolf was furious, it roared wildly, and then it changed its shape, turning into a huge light and shadow, and a mighty one-hundred-meter giant wolf rose up and immediately dived down.

The huge claws seemed to tear the space apart.

"Tear him!" Set Jingming's eyes also showed a gloomy look.

The Cloud Winged Wolf was forced to such a degree, it was really beyond his expectation.

On the other hand, the strength of Xiao Yu's physical body also surprised him.

And now, the blow that the cloud winged wolf has erupted is that the virtual spirit realm has to retreat three feet, how can a mere fetal elementary realm's physical body contend with it?

Just now Xiao Yu injured the Cloud Winged Wolf with two moves, and the people around him secretly applauded, but seeing the Cloud Winged Wolf exploded with strength that hadn't even been combated against the Jade Bird just now, the faces of Du Jun and others changed.

"not good!"

Du Jun worries the most. He can clearly feel that if this trick was used during the battle against the Jade Bird, is there anything Jade Bird started?

What a sinister setting!

This guy actually hides so much strength of the Cloud Winged Wolf!

The terrifying and brutal atmosphere shrouded, and within a radius of hundreds of meters was filled with a brutal atmosphere.

"This kid is dead!" Pang Kaiyu sneered.

In the face of absolute power, any technique is useless.

Xiao Yu raised his head, his eyes narrowed as he watched the huge monster attack that was diving down.

"Good job!"

At this moment, Xiao Yu's arms shook, the dragon-suppressing pile revolved, and then all the strength was concentrated on his right foot.


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