Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3971: Earthquake (Part 2)


The dragon flesh body power in Xiao Yu's bloodline was energized to the extreme.

Although these powers were also the power of the five-claw golden dragon bloodline, Xiao Yu could suppress that bloodline aura.

Yes, what Xiao Yu urged right now was the physical power of the five-clawed golden dragon!

It can be said that this is Xiao Yu's first attempt to face a monster.

And he also knew that, and only in this way, could he not rely on the suppression of the bloodline level to temper the dragon pile to the greatest extent.

"Thirteenth style of Zhenlong pile, the ground is cracked!!"

Xiao Yu shouted inwardly, and immediately he lifted one of his feet suddenly.

When Xiao Yu lifted his foot, a heavy aura seemed to envelope the entire ground.

That kick actually seemed to have a tens of thousands of pounds of strength, and it could shatter the earth.

Fu Jingming was the first to sense it, and his expression moved.

"It is impossible to defeat my cloud-winged wolf!!"

When the scene moved his mind, the cruel look in his eyes became even more crazy.

The Cloud Winged Wolf seemed to have been summoned by him, and his eyes showed an extremely fierce expression, as if he was about to eat Xiao Yu.

The body of the white one-hundred-meter giant wolf, like a big wave hitting the ocean, turned half of the space white.

At the same time, Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the intent to fight in his chest was released, and his feet finally fell to the ground.



At this time, on the road to the upper house.

"Oh, brother, didn't I say not to follow me!"

At this moment, a young girl in blue clothes said with some dissatisfaction.

The girl was about fifteen years old, and her big beautiful eyes seemed to be dripping.

She is petite, but the big place is not small at all.

Although it looks like the lady next door, the delicate facial features are in it with a naughty and cute taste.

There were three young people next to the girl in blue, looking sad.

"Junior sister, don't make it difficult for us. Master said that you have just contacted that method, and you can't overuse your power, otherwise you will be uncontrollable and there will be big troubles."

The blue-clothed girl akimbo, waiting for the three young people, and said, "Don't you even believe me? I got started earlier than you! That power can be controlled by me, or do you doubt my fist? "

After all, the blue-clothed girl shook her little pink fist with a smile.

The expressions of the three young people suddenly changed, and they couldn't help taking a step back.

They know what this girl comes from, and how terrible this girl is, they don't want to do it again!

Seeing the timidity of these three people, the blue-clothed girl snorted, turned and took a step, and then suddenly turned her head back. The moment she turned her head, the steps that the three young people were about to take suddenly remained in the air.

"Dare you take a step and try?" The blue-clothed girl was fierce.

The expressions of the three young men changed, and they quickly closed their feet, not daring to take a step beyond the thunder pond.

The blue-clothed girl nodded in satisfaction and said: "This is my good brother! I will go out to stroll around the "Pingshan Continent", come back before dark, warn you, don't give me a small report."

The three young people smiled bitterly, just as the blue-clothed girl just turned around and was about to leave, suddenly, not far away, a powerful vibration spread over.

The blue-clothed girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said in a pleasant surprise: "What a strong energy and blood! When did the upper court produce such a strong body refiner?"

"Go and see!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl in blue immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

The timid eyes of the three young people just now wrinkled, and their temperament also changed drastically.

"This breath is very strange, it seems to have the power of a monster."

"Don't say so much, be optimistic about the younger sister, otherwise she will make some mistakes, and the master will be miserable when she blames it."


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