Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3972: Victory and Pursuit (Part 1)

Back to the Colosseum.

With everyone's shocked gaze, Xiao Yu finally stomped on the ground.


The physical power of his whole body was instilled under the soles of his feet at the same time, and then it spread to the ground through the soles of his feet.


From the place extending from the bottom of Xiao Yu's feet, a kind of golden energy light appeared immediately, which immediately rose into the sky after extending to the front, just facing the cloud-winged wolf that swooped down.

The golden light rushed up at this moment, just like a volcanic eruption, it suddenly expanded to the extent of two hundred meters, and it directly collided with the cloud-winged wolf.


A violent vibration exploded in mid-air, astonishing ripples spread out in mid-air, and a white halo appeared in the air.


The 100-meter-large Cloud Winged Wolf screamed on the spot, as if it had been hit by a door punch, it was directly shocked.

"How come!?" Set Jingming's face was unbelievable.

The offensive of the physical power that Xiao Yu stepped on just now was too terrifying, and its strength was comparable to that of the Void Spirit Realm!

What kind of monster is this guy?

Du Jun, Luo Feng, Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu who knew Xiao Yu were all unbelievable.

For Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu, who are relatively familiar with Xiao Yu, they have seen with their own eyes how abnormal their bodies are.

But no matter how abnormal it is, it is not to such an extent!

That is a monster with the bloodline of the ground!

It is even a cloud-winged wolf with a high-level monster!

The Cloud Winged Wolf was hit and flew in the air, and immediately fell heavily towards the ground.

It can be seen that the cloud-winged wolf has recovered a body of 30 meters, but its chin is completely shattered, bloody, and its entire white hair has been dyed red with blood.

The students in Cangling City were all shocked.

"how come……"

They couldn't imagine that they were killed. This guy's physical body was actually comparable to a monster! !

The key is that this is a guy in the fetal origin realm, and his body is already comparable to a monster beast of blood!

What a horror is this! ?

It depends on how powerful a person's body is, and how powerful he can play at the same level.

However, meat alone is enough to crush opponents of the same level, and can even defeat monsters with higher bloodlines, then such a person is very terrifying.

The problem is, even if they look at the strength of Xiao Yu's physical body no matter how strong they are, there is no reason they can achieve this level!

"It seems that he has already mastered a little know-how about the dragon clan's physical body." Tang Ling'er seemed to nod with satisfaction.

In this seemingly, someone in the venue suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, what is this kid doing!?"

After Xiao Yu had recovered, his figure shook again, turning into a golden afterimage and rushing towards the cloud-winged wolf that had not yet fallen on the ground.

When Set Jingming saw this, he was shocked, his mind moved, and quickly urged the sleepy Cloud Winged Wolf.

After all, the blow just now really shocked him a bit, and this kid hasn't let it go!

"Fly fast!!" Bu Jingming shouted inwardly.

The cloud-winged wolf was in a spiritual communication with Fu Jingming. Hearing Fu Jingming's call, it also instantly sensed the danger approaching.


At the moment when the cloud-winged wolf was about to land, its injured wings suddenly shook, turning around and climbing desperately into the air.

But the cloud-winged wolf is fast, how can Xiao Yu be slow?

"Want to go?"


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