Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3975: Unacceptable

Set Jingming left, and the excitement of today's beast arena also disappeared.

But everyone who was watching the battle knew that Xiao Yu really offended the scene this time.

Don't look at Fu Jingming as if he didn't look angry, but they all knew that Fu Jingming was the ultimate control of their anger.

It was because they knew very well in their hearts that if Fu Jingming were to move Xiao Yu, one hand would be enough to suppress it, but this would have been said to be unwilling and would retaliate afterwards.

As a native child of Cangling City, Bu Jingming's talent is beyond doubt. Now even a kid from the Primordial Realm dared to despise him like this, and severely wounded his demon pet in front of him. Just ask who would swallow this. Bad tone?

Fu Jingming left alone, and Pang Kaiyu and others followed.

After leaving the beast arena, Bu Jingming's face returned to a cold color.

He was ranked first in the academy, and Du Jun was afraid of his own three-pointer, but today he was given the prize twice by a kid.

I thought he could use Cloud Winged Wolf to stand up today, but he was killed with a carbine.

Pang Kaiyu was silent for a while, and still said: "Brother Ming, I found out that Du Jun came to this kid after He Yiting was beaten."

"I know." Set Jingming said lightly.

"Brother Ming should have guessed that Du Jun wants to bring this kid to the flag-grab meeting." Pang Kaiyu said.

Fu Jingming didn't speak, but he knew all of this, and immediately he sneered: "I didn't expect this kid to have such great potential. No wonder Du Jun would look for him in advance."

"It's a pity. Originally, I still had three points of interest in him. Now it seems that we can't be friends anymore."

Xiao Yu's various deeds, even if it is proud as set Jingming, have long been heard.

Especially the title of No. 1 in the five great temples, he knew that this was not something that everyone could easily get.

Originally, he still had a little interest in Xiao Yu, but now he has no interest at all.

"It's all thanks to this kid to let me know whether he and I can be friends or enemies." Set Jingming's eyes were murderous.

"Kaiyu." Bu Jingming called out.

"Brother Ming." Pang Kaiyu replied, he knew that Bu Jingming was about to start doing things.

"I don't want to see this kid bouncing around in the upper yard safe and sound. It's best to give him some obstacles before the flag-grabbing ceremony. If possible, kill him!"

Set Jingming's eyes flashed a murderous look.


The venue soon dispersed, and Xiao Yu also returned to Tang Linger's side.

Du Jun hadn't left yet, he also had a solemn expression, and said, "Xiao Yu, anyway, you must join our team this time."

Du Jun is not stupid. Xiao Yu can defeat Cloud Winged Wolf to obtain 500 Flintstones. Although this makes Set Jingming face a bad face, at least he won't break his face with Set Jingming!

In the current situation, Xiao Yu was obviously avenging his blue blood bird!

If he didn't even cover Xiao Yu now, would he still come from someone?

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Brother Du is afraid that Fu Jingming will send someone to trouble me?"

"Not afraid, but for sure. He must also know that I have looked for you. This time he said that he is going to set the top pick for the flag grabbing conference. He will definitely try to prevent you from participating in the flag grabbing conference."

Xiao Yu didn't care, and said, "Senior Brother Du, don't care. I only took action when this guy was not pleasing to my eyes. As for the flag-snatching conference, I might not attend yet."

"I appreciate the kindness of Brother Du."

Xiao Yu said goodbye.

Xiao Yu didn't mention anything about helping himself, and he didn't care about Fu Jingming's possible revenge afterwards, which made Du Jun even more worried.

But it is undeniable that Du Jun couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu by three points.

"and many more."

Du Jun walked up, took out a cloth bag, and said: "Since you rejected me again, then I am not too difficult for others. Accepting these will also give you more capital. Moreover, if something happens afterwards, come to me. ."

Xiao Yu glanced at Du Jun, whose eyes were very determined.

"Okay, thank you Brother Du, then."

Xiao Yu was not stupid, someone who helped others talked calmly, and one who wanted to compensate the other party but didn't speak clearly.

Both of them are very understanding, so he didn't reject the 500 flint stones, otherwise Du Jun would be even more emotionally sad.

Seeing Xiao Yu's back, Du Jun sighed softly.

Du Jun knew that with Xiao Yu's character, even if something happened, he would not hurt himself, let alone find himself.

He only hoped that Xiao Yu would become stronger.


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