Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3976: You are not handsome enough

As a group of people walked on the road, Sima Kou pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Xiao Yu, these local children in Cangling City are very uncomfortable. I just saw that this set is not quite right. He will definitely settle the accounts after the fall. "

"I know this." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Ju Wenfu was shocked. Now that he knows why he still doesn't look worried at all?

To be honest, Xiao Yu's strength shocked them again, only shocked and shocked, returning to the most real problem, that is, the problem of safety.

Fu Jingming, these local children of Cangling City, are not easy to provoke!

What's more, when someone came back with a monster beast with a bloodline, it was supposed to be disarming and frighten them, but it was maimed by Xiao Yu a few times.

"Yes, Brother Yu, that guy is not a good person at first sight. I think since you have got so many flintstones, it's better to hide on Hanling Mountain these months, so that he won't be able to trouble you. "Luo Feng suggested sincerely.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I know you are worried about me, but I have my own plans."

Immediately, Xiao Yu said hello to go back to Heiyan Peak with Tang Linger.

Seeing Xiao Yu leaving behind, Sima Kou shook his head slightly.

"No matter, since he doesn't listen to advice, it is him who suffers." Ju Wenfu also said.

When they were in the lower court, Xiao Yu was the one who caused trouble. They also heard that some teachers from the academy secretly said a lot of good things for Xiao Yu.

But here is the upper house!

The upper house is not comparable to the lower house.


Back to Heiyan Peak.

"Ling'er, your trick is really effective! I discovered that my body refining method has actually made a slight progress!" Xiao Yu returned to Heiyan Peak, seeming to be still immersed in the heat after the battle. in.

In the past, after the battle, it must have been a very strong consumption.

This kind of consumption will make the spirit tired.

But Xiao Yu only felt that his physical strength had consumed a lot, but his spirit was continuously excited, and of course this excitement was slowly fading.

But that kind of joy seems to be something that has been gained.

And along the way, Xiao Yu thought about it, and seemed to understand a little bit. He seemed to have made some progress in perception of the Zhenlong pile.

Tang Linger said: "The bloodline of the dragons is powerful, but when the dragons are young, they also need to temper their bodies step by step to become strong enough. Otherwise, the dragons have been so strong for so many years, they have long been lost to others. The monster was replaced."

"You know, in the world of Nine Heavens, the Dragon Race once appeared the Dragon God. For tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years, the Dragon Race has been able to sit around one of the strongest monster races in the flesh. It is not unreasonable."

"If the dragons use their blood and breath to defeat their opponents from the beginning, they will never know where they are, and they will not be able to continue to break through."

What Tang Ling'er said made sense, and Xiao Yu nodded after hearing it.

Soon the latter looked at Xiao Yu, with an appreciation in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me?" Tang Ling'er suddenly felt that Xiao Yu's eyes were a little weird, and seemed a little embarrassed.

"No, I suddenly thought you were beautiful." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

"Greasy mouth and tongue." Tang Ling'er rolled his eyes and stayed away.

"I'm serious. Knowledgeable women are especially attractive, especially when you just talked, I just feel like I don't understand anything in front of me." Xiao Yu sighed.

He originally thought he was more mature than his peers, even if he had a better understanding of cultivation, battle methods, and some xinxing than ordinary people.

But in front of Tang Ling'er, he felt that he was still very weak.

Tang Linger said softly: "Actually, you don't need to be discouraged, you are already perfect in my heart."

Xiao Yu's mind was moved a little, and immediately looked at Tang Ling'er with tender eyes.

The latter's face blushed slightly, and then she changed her voice and said, "It's just that there is still a little lack..."


"You are not handsome enough."

Xiao Yu almost spit out blood.


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