Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4000: Huo Chun Dashou

Huo Jiacheng.

This is the most central and most prosperous area in Pingshan Continent, and the Huo family is the absolute emperor of Huo family.

It can be said that the Huo family exists as a super family in the entire Pingshan Continent.

Even if the Pingshan Continent is a medium-lower plane on the 72nd Heavenly Plane, and it is not even ranked, the Huo Family is an absolute power on this continent.

Otherwise, the Huo family would not have so many core children sent to the five major temples for further study every year.

The children of the Huo family who went to the five major temples to study naturally also consolidated and increased the overall strength of the Huo family.

Huo Chun, the second master of the Huo family and the second master of the Huo family, today is his fiftieth birthday.

Tonight, Huo Chun will be in the most prosperous center of the city for a birthday banquet, inviting the powerhouses of various families in the Pingshan Continent to participate.

After all, as the big family of Pingshan Continent, or the second strongest of the Huo family, who doesn't give face?

It can be said that most of the big families in Pingshan Mainland sent people to the banquet.

At this time, a temporary birthday banquet venue has been set up in this area of ​​the west of the city. It is extremely lively. The streets are full of traffic and crowds. It is very lively.

In the center of the venue, Huo Chun, dressed in a red robe, seemed extremely proud of the spring breeze, with a flushed face.

"Huo Chun, really gratifying!"

"Haha, brother Huo, my brother is here to wish you a birthday today!"

Congratulations sounded loudly, and almost all the people who came were from the big forces in the city, or strong masters from other regions.

The venue was very lively, and there were more than 300 tables in the banquet. One can imagine how big this Huo Chun's pomp is.

Beside Huo Chun, Huo Zhe was also proud of his face.

Although he was not the best among the young children of the Huo family, he was only a second-class student even in Cangling Academy.

But the family is different when he comes back. He is Huo Chun's godson, and of course his status in the Huo family is very high.

Moreover, if compared with the strength of the entire Huo family, Huo Zhe could actually rank in the top ten.

It's just that the Huo family's children are outstanding, and Huo Zhe is relatively poor at Cangling Academy.

In addition, Cangling Academy originally brought together the core children of all higher plane continents, even family geniuses.

Judging from the positions of Pingshan Continent and Huo's family in the entire nine days, Huo Zhe is naturally nothing.

But when he came back to Pingshan Continent, Huo Zhe still had a lot of right to speak. In addition to giving face to Huo Chun, the courage of all parties also gave face to Huo Zhe.

And at this busy juncture, I only felt countless vibrations coming from outside the city.

It was night at this time, but the soldiers on the west wall of the city saw the dark and crushing things approaching in the distance, and a brutal atmosphere was directly enveloped.

"what is that?"

This is the west of the city, and Huo Chun's birthday feast is also here. In addition, many of the people who came tonight are the power of the place, and almost everyone feels something is wrong.

"what happened?"

Huo Chun's eyes were directly looking outside the city wall, as if he could see through the city wall.

"Goddaddy, what's the matter?" Huo Zhe obviously felt a depressed atmosphere enveloped him and asked.

But at this moment, the soldier on the wall changed wildly, and shouted: "Beast tide! It's beast tide!!"


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