Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4001: The beast is near the city (part 1)


Countless low roars swayed from outside the city wall, and the black beast began to appear outside the city wall.


Many masters in the venue swept over the wall one after another, looking at the scene ahead, their expressions finally moved.

The terrifying and brutal atmosphere, with a kind of deterrence, trembled all over the banquet on the other side of the city wall.

The headed Huo Chun stared at the huge monster beast with more than a hundred heads in front, his eyes were extremely cold.

Today is his fiftieth birthday, but these monsters came here. Could this be a coincidence?

the answer is negative.

When Huo Zhe saw these monsters, he didn't know what happened, but he felt a bit strange.

"It must be an animal trainer!"

Because the Pingshan Continent has an extremely superior geographical environment since ancient times, the monsters here are almost all high-level monsters. Although the bloodline is not very strong, it is better than pure.

Therefore, there are still many animal trainers in Pingshan Continent.

Under normal circumstances, there has not been a beast wave of this magnitude in Pingshan Continent for decades, so they know very well that this must be man-made!

"I heard that a wave of beasts appeared outside the city two days ago! Why is there another wave today?"

"Is someone deliberately targeting it?"

"Who is so desperate? Tonight is Huo Chun's birthday party!"

Many people were whispering, looking at Huo Chun, with some timidity in their eyes.

Just because Huo Chun's face was ugly, blood was dripping.

Huo Zhe was also furious, and shouted angrily: "Who is here!! I don't know if it is my godfather's birthday today? Hurry up and die!!"

This was originally a birthday banquet, a day of great rejoicing, but so many monsters came today. What do you mean?

Obviously someone is making trouble!

But how could the people present do not understand what position the Huo family is in the Pingshan Continent? Who would dare to provoke them openly?

It happened to be on Huo Chun's fifth birthday!

At this moment, the three figures walked up, headed by a handsome, handsome young man.

Next to this young man are two women, especially the woman on the left, who is even more beautiful and aloof.

The woman on the right was only about sixteen years old, and she was born with a spirit of water.

The three of them stood there, but they gave people a different temperament.

"Huo Zhe, today I am here to congratulate your godfather, why don't you welcome me?" the headed young man said lightly.

The people present were shocked and looked at Huo Zhe. Did this person Huo Zhe know?

But they are not stupid, where is this birthday celebration?

This is the right way to step on the ground!

"A Zhe!!" Huo Chun turned his head and stared at Huo Zhe.

Needless to say, Huo Chun knows that this group of people must have been brought back by Huo Zhe!

Huo Zhe's heart moved, as if suddenly thinking of something, he exclaimed: "You are Xiao Yu!!"

The only person he can think of is Xiao Yu!

Because Huo Zhe only practiced in Cangling Academy, and even rarely performed tasks, he rarely offended people.

And he was restless for the past two or three days, and even the three animal trainers did not come back to report to him.

He was thinking that after Huo Chun's birthday, he would confirm it again and again, and then return to the college. Who would have thought that someone would make trouble tonight.

What is even more incredible is that this group of troublemakers is headed by the person they have to deal with!

How is this possible! ?

"Impossible!! You can't be the opponent of the Golden Retriever!"

As soon as Huo Zhe said this, the audience was shocked.


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