Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4056: Magic Knife Formation (Part 1)

If an ordinary person is entangled with such a terrifying soul power, he will definitely panic.

The soul is the life of the soul cultivator. Now Pang Kaiyu directly attacked Xiao Yu's soul, and one can imagine how evil it is.

Of course, Pang Kaiyu also knows that in such an open competition, if he is messed up, he will not end well.

"Xiao Yu, your life is now in my hands, do you still have to fight with me!"

Pang Kaiyu's voice resounded in Xiao Yu's mind.

At this time those vines had crazily surrounded Xiao Yu's entire soul ocean, but they did not move on.

But as long as Pang Kaiyu thought, these vines would attack Xiao Yu.

Therefore, now Pang Kaiyu is giving Xiao Yu a priority. He is letting Xiao Yu know that Xiao Yu's fate is firmly in his hands.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "Pang Kaiyu, don't be self-righteous, do you think your soul attack can be effective on me? You value yourself too much."

Pang Kaiyu's heart trembled. To be honest, he was unwilling to get to this point, but there was no way, Xiao Yu's threat to him was too great.

He swallowed his heart and said solemnly, "Xiao Yu, you forced me!"

As soon as the words fell, the vines that had invaded Xiao Yu's body began to madly attack Xiao Yu's soul.

The branches of Tianmu in the depths of Xiao Yu's mind began to explode, and then a halo formed a kind of mask outside of Xiao Yu's soul ocean. This was the power of Tianmu branches to spur Mo Suhe's soul Defense.


Pang Kaiyu suddenly discovered that his offensive was advancing incredibly!

"how come!?"

Pang Kaiyu was taken aback. The soul was a very fragile thing, but Xiao Yu's soul defense was so strong!

This gave him a stance to shake the mountain.

"Pang Kaiyu, it's my turn!"

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the branches of Tianmu swayed frantically, immediately seeping out from his soul, and attacking Pang Kaiyu's vine.


These vines of Pang Kaiyu were strangled clean by the branches of Tianmu on the spot.

"What is this!?"

At this moment, Pang Kaiyu couldn't help feeling that his soul was trembling. He had never seen such a thing. It was like the power of the soul but not the power of the soul. It was like the devil's claws that suddenly appeared in the abyss, which could kill him in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!"

In a short time, the pillar under Xiao Yu's feet bounced to pieces, and Pang Kaiyu's formation was broken again.

And this time, Pang Kaiyu finally had the feeling of being poor. He was no longer in love with the battle, and quickly swept toward the top of the mountain, and he had already seen a light bead floating in front of him for tens of meters!

But looking at Xiao Yu, he was three hundred meters behind Pang Kaiyu.

In the battle against the strong, every minute is raced against each other. This time, Xiao Yu didn't have much chance of winning.

But after Xiao Yu landed, his body shape turned into a golden light and rushed up at extreme speed.

Even if he tried his best at the last moment, he would never give up.

Pang Kaiyu grinned: "The final winner is mine!"

When everyone saw this scene, they all regretted it.

Xiao Yu has always been in a passive state. Look at Pang Kaiyu. Three soul attacks have already given him too much advantage.

Even if the speed is not as fast as Xiao Yu, the key is that Pang Kaiyu is now ahead of Xiao Yu.

Seeing Pang Kaiyu's hand was about to catch the beam of light, but Xiao Yu was so dragged that he was also two hundred meters away from Pang Kaiyu, and he couldn't keep up.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes gleamed, and an invisible fluctuation spread out.


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