Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4057: Magic Blade Array (Part 2)

Seeing this scene, both Mo Xiaoqi and Luo Feng were a little disappointed.

"Xiao Yu is still too young, not grasping the first opportunity, now it's fine, I'm going to lose." Mo Xiaoqi said with some dissatisfaction, in that sophisticated tone, as if hating iron can't make steel.

Luo Feng sighed and said, "Pang Kaiyu is better. The five-rank formations he understands are endless. Brother Yu is hard to defend!"

On the contrary, it was Tang Ling'er, who seemed to see Xiao Yu's calm eyes, a move in her heart, it was secretly that Xiao Yu had a second hand?

"I said earlier, Xiao Yu won't be Kaiyu's opponent." Set Jingming over there also said lightly.

Pang Kaiyu was indeed unable to contain Xiao Yu in two or three rounds. Although it was proved from the side that Xiao Yu's soul talent was indeed good, it was not bad. In terms of background, Pang Kaiyu was always better.

Seeing this result, Kuang Ping nodded slightly.

He thought that Xiao Yu would come from behind, but he still looked up to Xiao Yu a little bit. Now without him, Pang Kaiyu can win the final competition. This is of course the best result.

However, at this moment, everyone in the audience felt that something unthinkable happened.

Seeing Pang Kaiyu stretched out his hand to catch the light bead, but within a second, Pang Kaiyu's pupils shrank, and his hand immediately stretched back.

"what happened!?"

"what happened?"

The students in the native Cangling City were all shocked. It was a low-handed victory, but why did Pang Kaiyu shrink?

And at this moment, the next scene that surprised them appeared. Suddenly a blade of blade flashed out of the light bead, and it suddenly struck Pang Kaiyu.

Of course Pang Kaiyu just dodged and dodged, and the blade light almost flew past his ears.

"call out!"

A light blood stain was drawn on Pang Kaiyu's cheek.

"Kill the formation!?"

This is definitely a good killing array, which shocked Pang Kaiyu, and silently released a killing array! ?

In this formation, who else besides Xiao Yu?


At the same time, Pang Kaiyu once again condensed a lot of white light blades, and then flew directly towards him.

At this moment, Pang Kaiyu retreated several meters in succession, constantly urging the formation offensive to resist.

"Damn it!" Pang Kaiyu looked angry.

The light bead was close at hand, but Xiao Yu did not expect Xiao Yu to launch the killing formation in such a short time!

The sudden turn of events made many people unexpected, and even Kuang Ping's eyes were slightly stunned.

As long as his sixth-rank basic formation is below his own formation rank, then there is nothing he can't sense.

"It's actually a magic knife formation!" Kuang Ping's eyes drenched.

He knew the difficulties of the Magic Sword Formation. It could be said that among the fifth-rank formations, they were extremely superior.

But immediately afterwards, Kuang Ping seemed to have thought of something, and his face sank slightly.

Soon, Xiao Yu's figure caught up for the third time. Pang Kaiyu was really anxious this time, because Xiao Yu was about to catch up with him!

"Don't think about it!!"

Pang Kaiyu's eyes were about to split, and when his mind moved, there was a burst of light on his body.

"Thunder is flashing!"

There is no way, he can only fight the final blow, otherwise he will not be able to win.


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