Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4059: Climbing to the top (part 2)

Li Chang was amazed, and he understood what was going on.

In fact, the answer is very simple, the magic sword formation is a kind of magic killing formation, Xiao Yu attacked Pang Kaiyu at first, making Pang Kaiyu think it was only killing formation, so Pang Kaiyu ignored the magic formation.

But in fact, it is reasonable for Pang Kaiyu to ignore the illusion array, just because the illusion array is originally integrated into the real environment in the form of the illusion array, which does not change the environment.

Although this kind of illusion formation is also commonplace, it is easy to give people a preconceived feeling, and the reason is that Xiao Yu's offensive of the killing formation.

And one more thing is that before Pang Kaiyu was about to catch the light bead for the first time, Xiao Yu launched the Magic Sword Formation, but Xiao Yu quietly spurred the power of the soul to activate the formation, and escaped unexpectedly. Pang Kaiyu's soul perception.

In fact, this is also due to the powerful soul talent of Xiao Yu.

People with strong soul talents can portray formations in silence, inspire formations, and even avoid the perception of people who are higher than their realm.

In addition, the battle of the strong, when there is no difference in absolute strength, the battle is affected by many factors, such as skill.

Of course, all the skills are based on talent.

"Hiding a low profile, waiting for the opportunity, and counterattack at the moment of danger, this kid used his talent to fight and made up for some shortcomings in the realm. This character is simply terrifying." Li Chang was amazed.

Despite the fact that Xiao Yu seemed to be at a disadvantage during the battle, for the three rounds, he was constrained by Pang Kaiyu's five-rank formations. In fact, Xiao Yu was waiting for the opportunity!

Such patience, such a counterattack, only at the last moment, has given people absolute surprise.

"The way of using soldiers, the heart is the best, and the war is the best, Xiao Yu really didn't let me down!" Chu Dongmen's words of praise were beyond words.

Although Tutsi's eyes were calm, he was still amazed for Xiao Yu in his heart.

Knowing that the soul realm is not as good as the opponent's situation, he can achieve the skill to win.

No one may have noticed that Xiao Yu was suppressed in all three rounds, but who really cares about Xiao Yu's success in all three rounds?

Finally got a game back?

Perhaps in terms of realm, Xiao Yu is indeed a bit worse than Pang Kaiyu, but in terms of character, talent, and combat experience, he is superior.

Because relative to talent, not many people care about the current strength, because the talent potential is strong enough, and strength will only increase sooner or later.

At this moment, Tucci's eyes drenched and he stared in a certain direction at the foot of the mountain.

Kuang Ping's expression stunned. Xiao Yu's successive shots were beyond his imagination. Pang Kaiyu was a student he taught, and he would never let Xiao Yu win easily.

When his mind moved, the basic formation was already under his control, and he wanted to build the power of the soul inside to change the direction of the formation.

But I was about to make hands and feet, but suddenly realized that a figure was staring at him on the far top of the mountain.

It's Tucci!

Kuang Ping's heart trembled. He saw the suppression on Tutsi's soul, and the look in Ling Li's eyes.

This is a warning!

Kuang Ping's consciousness shrank back, and his heart was shocked.

He knew that the little action he was about to do was discovered by Tutsi. Fortunately, he didn't cause a big mistake.

On the top of the mountain, Pang Kaiyu was extremely anxious, he was waiting, why didn't Kuang Ping help him!

Because Xiao Yu was about to grasp the light bead.

"No!!" Pang Kaiyu's eyes were flushed, his eyes were about to split.

In the next second, Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the light bead in front of him, and then the basic formation on the green hill disappeared, returning to his calm appearance.


At the foot of the mountain, someone cried out in surprise.


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