Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4060: Assignment

Among the students of Cangling Academy, students from Cangling City alone accounted for one-third of the number, which was a very large number.

Therefore, the battle between Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu, to some extent, can be regarded as a contest between the local students of the Outer Plane Continent and Cangling City.

What they didn’t expect was that a kid who had only been in the upper courtyard for a short time, challenged people higher than himself one after another, and now even Pang Kaiyu, the second-class disciple, is not as good as the elite formation mage. This made many people treat Xiao Yu. They all looked with admiration.

"Xiao Yu actually won, that's amazing!" Mo Xiaoqi laughed in surprise.

Luo Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Who said that Brother Yu would lose? This woman turns her face faster than she turns a book."

Mo Xiaoqi waved her fist, and said viciously: "You just say a little more."

Luo Feng shut up immediately.

Tang Linger smiled slightly. Such a battle of formations can be described as a battle of wits and courage. If it weren't for a strong enough temperament and sufficient maturity in the battle experience, Xiao Yu was afraid it would be difficult to pass this level.

Pang Kaiyu seemed to be unable to believe that he would lose to Xiao Yu.

After a while, Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu swept down from the top of the mountain.

Xiao Yu's calm expression didn't make much waves, but Pang Kaiyu looked lifeless.

Kuang Ping took a deep breath, seeing Xiao Yu's eyes a little cold, but he had proposed this competition, and the victory and defeat could not be changed.

"Xiao Yu won, this task belongs to you."

"In addition, Pang Kaiyu violated the rules of mutual cannibalism in the competition, and he was demoted to a C-class student and was not allowed to leave the upper court for three months! Do you have any objections?" Kuang Ping looked at Pang Kaiyu.

Pang Kaiyu obviously did not expect that Kuang Ping would punish himself, and this punishment not only made him lose face, but even the speed of improving his cultivation would slow down!

Pang Kaiyu looked at Kuang Ping incredulously, but saw the latter's eyes with a flash of light.

"No objection." Pang Kaiyu gritted his teeth and agreed.

The students from the Cangling City in the upper court suddenly exclaimed, but they did not have any objections.

Kuang Ping's is a senior lecturer, and his status is not low. Since he made such a verdict, who would dare to resist?

But what they didn't understand was that Kuang Ping was so strict.

Following Kuang Ping's announcement, those people on the Outer Planes of the Mainland were even more happy.

This time the competition between the local students from the Outer Plane Continent and Cangling City undoubtedly caused a big blow to the local students' face.

Pang Kaiyu not only lost the right to belong to this mission, but even Kuang Ping was just and publicly managed, which of course frustrated many local students in Cangling City.

Of course, many people are amazed in their hearts. Xiao Yu is already so powerful in spiritual power cultivation, and his physical cultivation is even comparable to higher-ranked monsters. He is still in the line of formation cultivation. With such accomplishments, the upper house is probably even more lively.

Seeing many people cast their worshipful eyes at Xiao Yu, Qing Mingxin's eyes also flashed a cold light.

He and Xiao Yu also had a little bit of tooth prints, of course these were nothing compared to Fu Jingming.

Qing Mingxin pretended that there was nothing wrong, and said indifferently: "Fu Jingming, it seems that your judgment has been wrong, but Xiao Yu is beyond your expectations."


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