Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4068: Lanlou Empire (Part 2)

Lan Lou mainland.

As the lower part of the 72nd celestial plane, the overall strength and area of ​​the Lanlou Continent is not even as good as that of the Pingshan Continent.

Relatively speaking, the material here is very feedback, almost, most of them are barren mountainous areas.

Therefore, the Lanlou Continent may linger about the tenth from the bottom in the seventy-two great heaven plane.

Of course, if you talk about it, it must be much stronger than the mainland of Fujishu.

After all, the strongest in the mainland of Tengzhou is only the Tianfu Realm, and the mainland of Tengzhou is almost the bottom three planes.

The Lanlou Empire, as an empire that has ruled over thousands of years in the Lanlou Continent, has basically been calm and peaceful, without much war.

However, in the past two years, the Lanlou Empire has not been very good, only because of the great internal turmoil within the royal family, which eventually turned into a rebellion.

In this rebellion, headed by the prince of the royal family, he wanted to seize the power of the Lanlou Empire.

Orchid Tower City, the largest town in the Orchid Tower Empire, but it also became the last place to stand.

Xiao Yu had never imagined that this so-called Orchid Tower Empire would have declined to the point where only one big city remained!

Where is no chance?

This is no need to fight at all!

A huge empire, with an area of ​​thousands of miles or even more than tens of thousands of miles, now the royal family has only one city left. Is this still the royal family?

In fact, to some extent, the royal family of the Lanlou Empire has existed in name only.

Entering the city, all shops have been closed, and the streets are lifeless. Although there are soldiers patrolling, they are obviously lacking in energy.

Everyone has a sad, helpless, even numb look on their faces.

Xiao Yu couldn't believe that this was what a soldier in the royal city should be like.

Li Chang led Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er to the palace.

The palace is still magnificent and magnificent, but it seems to have lost a lot of its past colors and looks a bit dim.

Above the main hall of the palace, there were fewer than ten civil and military officials at this time, and each of them looked very heavy.

On the throne, sat a burly middle-aged man. Although the middle-aged man had a sturdy look and a deep body, his face was uncontrollable sadness.

This person is the king of the Lanlou Empire, Lan Zheng.

Seeing Li Chang's return, Lan Zheng squeezed a smile on his face and said, "Li Chang, you're back."

Lan Zheng's eyes immediately glanced at Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er.

Although Tang Ling'er's appearance is one of a thousand, with a dusty temperament and an extraordinary posture, Lan Zheng's eyes do not have much emotional fluctuations.

"These two must be distinguished guests from Cangling Academy." Lan Zheng asked with a smile.

Although Lan Zheng was polite on the surface, there was not much fluctuation in his eyes long ago.

It wasn't because Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er were too weak to help them too much, but because Lan Zheng seemed to have some plans deep in his heart.

Of course, Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er were indeed not high in strength.

Xiao Yu had at most only the late stage of the Fetal Yuan Realm, and Tang Ling'er's aura intensity was nothing more than the virtual spirit realm.

Of course, this kind of cultivation cannot help them too much.

The ten civilians and military commanders who were less than present were all slightly disappointed.

"Great King, this is Xiao Yu, this is Tang Ling'er, I invited back from Cangling Academy to help us describe the formation." Li Chang said.

Who knows, Lan Zheng showed hesitation in his eyes, and finally said: "Li Chang, I am afraid I will disappoint you. I have already made a decision."

Li Chang's face changed drastically when he heard this.

And Xiao Yu seemed to guess something.


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