Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4069: Lan Zheng's decision

The expressions of the eight civil servants and generals became even more gloomy.

Li Chang was anxious, and asked quickly: "My lord, didn't you say you would fight them to the death after a month? How did you change your mind now!?"

Li Chang was very puzzled. Before he left, it was because everyone had already made a common decision to fight to the death with the judging judging, so he went to his mother's home for help!

But now that the people have been brought back, how can they be changed?

Lan Zheng shook his head and said, "Li Chang, in fact, you also know in your heart that we have almost no chance of winning this battle."

"Why not? The Lanlou City are all the elite soldiers of our empire, and there is also a large moat formation in Lanlou City. One month later, we will have the aid of a hundred fifth rank formations, plus Peng Marshal, we also have the strength to fight each other!" Li Chang was anxious.

A middle-aged man in the front of the generals stood up. This person was Marshal Peng as Li Chang said. Marshal Peng's strength ranked second in the Lanlou Empire, second only to Lan Zheng.

Marshal Peng said solemnly: "Li Chang, have you forgotten the strength of the previous rebels? Even your soul is injured. Although I am not afraid of death, I can't just watch all my brothers sacrifice for nothing! You and I already know how powerful the army is, and we don’t even have the capital to resist stubbornly!"

"But what about the brothers that we sacrificed before? Should we let them sacrifice in vain? The prince levied wildly, and people's grievances died. Do you know what he will do first after he has the power of the Lanlou Empire? He will kill us before Those who oppose him! The Lanlou Empire cannot be destroyed in his hands!" Li Chang said angrily.

Xiao Yu didn't know the history of the Orchid Tower Empire, but he could guess that the Orchid Tower Empire must have had problems long ago, and it was only now that it broke out.

Marshal Peng trembled and said angrily: "Do you think we don't know these? But the rebels gave the ultimatum two days ago. If we don't surrender in a month, they will slaughter the entire Lanlou City! Do you want everyone to be buried with you!!"

The atmosphere at the scene solidified again. Marshal Peng and Li Chang were Lan Zheng's left and right arms, and Lan Zheng only had a heavy face and did not speak.

Li Chang's fists were tightly clenched, and his whole body was shaking.

Lan Zheng seemed to have made a big decision. He stood up, walked down immediately, and apologized: "Li Chang, I know your determination to coexist and die with the empire, but Lan Bai just wants me to surrender the kingship. I can’t let everyone accompany me to death because of my selfishness.”

"Because of this, is the king going to sacrifice himself?" Li Chang raised his head and looked at Lan Zheng.

Lan Zheng trembled all over, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "A country cannot be without a king for a day, and a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Since my death can exchange your lives, what is the fear of death?"

The atmosphere there became even more sad.

Xiao Yu and Tang Linger were silent.

The development of the matter completely exceeded their imagination.

Who can imagine that the king of the Loulan Empire has changed his mind, and who can imagine that Lan Zheng was willing to sacrifice himself in order to save everyone's lives?

Strictly speaking, Xiao Yu is just an outside visitor. This is the internal affairs of other countries, and he has no way to deal with it.

Li Chang said in a deep voice: "Lanlou City is where I grew up and grew up. If you want me to surreptitiously live, I can't do it. Even if I have one last breath, I will deal with the rebels to the end!"

After all, Li Chang turned around and left.

Lan Zheng wanted to say something, but he wanted to say nothing.

How could he not see Li Chang's loyalty?

Obviously, Li Chang had already had the heart to die!

Lan Zheng immediately looked at Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er, gave a strong smile, and said, "Sorry, you guys laughed at what happened just now. I will try to persuade you from Li Chang. You live here first, and I will arrange someone to **** you. Go back, come, and arrange for two distinguished guests to move in."

After all, Lan Zheng walked into the inner hall alone.

Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er glanced at each other and didn't say anything.


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