Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4080: Visitors from Lanling City (Part 1)

A week ago, it was outside Lanlou City, which was the second largest city in the Lanlou Empire, Lanling City.

Lanling City is only a few hundred miles away from Lanlou City, but Lanling City is in sharp contrast with the lifelessness of Lanlou City.

Yes, because Lanling City is the base camp of the rebels, the leader of the rebels is the current lord, Lan Bai, and Lan Bai is also Lan Zheng's younger brother.

At this time, it was within the largest mansion in Lanling City.

In the nave, a middle-aged man with a gloomy look, at least a third similar to Lan Zheng, was sitting upright.

There is a bitter aura between this person's eyebrows. He is wearing a black and gold robe, which makes people feel like a deep spear, which makes people unable to see through the reality.

This person is impressively Lan Zheng's younger brother, Lan Bai.

At the bottom left of Lan Bai, there was an expressionless man. This man was his close guard, a strong person.

As for the bottom right of him, there are five strong men in the pure spirit realm. These five strong men in the pure spirit realm can be said to be the most proud of him and the capital of his rebel forces.

Of course, the faces of the people present at this time were solemn, just because an uninvited guest arrived in Lanling City tonight.

The most important thing is that the arrival of this uninvited guest puts Langby under great pressure.

This man is a young man with a cold face.

If it was just because the other party was a young man, Lan Bai would not be so solemn and nervous, because although the young man's cultivation level also exceeded the Three Spirit Realm, he was not much different from himself.

Lanby cares about the forces behind this person.

Because this person is not only from Cangling Academy, but also from Cangling City in the "Blue Spirit Realm".

Cangling City is a semi-independent town. Of course, the name of just one city would not be very big, but with Cangling Academy backed up, it would be extraordinary.

And Lan Bai also knows very clearly that Cangling Academy is one of the five major seminaries, even if they are the people who have been sent for assessment in the Cangling Academy in the past few years, only one or two of them are enough to be assessed. of.

And even if it has been in the assessment for decades, there are only one or two who are considered slightly famous. Li Chang is the most famous member of the Lanlou Empire in the past two to three decades.

After all, the Orchid Tower Continent, the Orchid Tower Empire, in the Seventy-two Great Heavens world, really can't enter the eyes of too many people.

In fact, it is no wonder that Lan Bai wants to seize power so anxiously, because his ambition does not want to be limited to the Lan Lou mainland.

Therefore, when you know that this person is so young and that the strength and status are so great, it can be said that the people present are not nervous.

"Boy, in Xia Lan Bai, I don't know what you are doing here?" Lan Bai finally couldn't hold it back, and asked solemnly.

In his opinion, this young man came to their Lanling City single-handedly, and he must have known that the battle was going on within the Lanlou Empire, and he must also know that Lan Bai was in a certain state.

"I heard that your Lanlou Empire is undergoing a civil war, so I will pass by here to see if I can help." The young man said lightly.

Lan Bai stared at the young man with a sneer, and said, "Young man, I know you are extraordinary and your background is good, but this is the internal affairs of our Lanlou Empire, so I really don't bother you to intervene."

The young man took a step, and the light shone on his face, revealing his familiar face.

This person is set Jingming.

"Actually, I have no interest in your war, I just want to kill someone."


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