Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4081: Visitors from Lanling City (Part 2)

When they heard that Set Jingming said that he was going to kill someone, the people present suddenly became tense.

Lan Bai stared at Fu Jingming. In front of Fu Jingming, although he was confident of his own strength, the other party always went to the meeting single-handedly. He also said that he was going to kill people and was about to start his hands.

"Be relaxed, I am not here to kill you." Set Jingming said lightly.

Lanby was also slightly relieved, but he did not dare to relax.

"who are you?"

Other people still dare not relax.

A person from Cangling Academy beyond the Three Spirit Realm must be an elite genius. Since this person came to their Lanlou Empire to say murder, how could this person's status and strength be low?

"My name is Fu Jingming, and the person I am going to kill is a fellow of mine, but he is now in Orchid Tower City." Fu Jingming said.

Many people present suddenly changed their faces.

"The royal family invited people from Cangling Academy to help?"

"How is this possible!? Why hasn't there been any news before?"

Even Lan Bai stared deeply at Set Jingming.

If Lan Zheng really invited a master from Cangling Academy and had the same strength as Bu Jingming, then it would be really a trouble.

Fu Jingming glanced at this group of greedy and fearful villains, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart, and said, "Don't worry, this person is not as strong as I am. It's just a dual repair of the primordial primordial realm. It will not affect your overall situation."

This time the people in the hall relaxed again, but Lan Bai was not at ease. He seemed to have touched the way of talking by Set Jingming and did not speak.

"But Lan Loucheng did find a helper in our academy. By then, they will dispatch one hundred fifth rank formations to deal with you."

"What are you talking about!?" The expressions of these people changed slightly, but they quickly recovered their indifference.

"One hundred fifth rank formations, it seems that Li Chang must have gone for help."

"It's a guy who is not afraid of death. His soul was injured last time, so he dared to provoke us. Next time, he must be better than dead!"

"Huh! What about one hundred fifth rank formations? In terms of card surface and strength, they can only slow down our attack, but they can't stop us from attacking the city!"

"It seems that we have given them a month to give them a month of mercy, Lord, since they want to resist, then we must take the opportunity to launch an attack and not give them a chance to breathe!"

These powerhouses who followed Lan Bai were all sneered.

In their view, they already had an absolute advantage. One month's time was just because Langby had been mentally prepared for the brothers of the former royal family.

Unexpectedly, they are still stubbornly resisting?

But even so, so what?

The overall strength of their rebel army is much stronger than that of the Royal Legion, and the morale of Lanlou City is now low and embarrassed on all sides, it does not take too long for them to win.

One hundred fifth-rank formations may affect the situation a bit, but it definitely cannot change the result.

On the contrary, it was Lan Bai with a calm face, as if he wanted to know what the **** this kid from Cangling Academy was doing!

Set Jingming said unhurriedly: "I knew your situation before I came here. Maybe you think you have a great chance of winning, but the one thing I want to say is that you should not underestimate my junior. I will give you a little surprise!"


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