Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4082: Suspicion

Lanby is not an arrogant person, but he is definitely not a person who can dominate others' aspirations.

He planned for so long that he had already firmly grasped the victory in his own hands.

"Young man, I don’t know what the **** you are going to do with us, but what I want to tell you is that I will never let any accident happen this time! If anyone wants to stop me, I will definitely let him suffer. Price!" Lan Bai said, staring at Fu Jingming.

As soon as Lan Bai's voice fell, the murderous aura of the audience immediately rose. These people's eyes seemed to be sipping a sharp knife, and they could kill people accidentally.

No one knows how long Langby has been preparing for this victory, and no one knows how determined he is.

The rebels he led were obviously death squads.

Seeing this scene, Set Jingming nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I still like this kind of momentum. They were scared to come to Lanzheng. They must be afraid of it now."

Now it's Lan Bai's turn to find out, what is this kid named Bu Jingming doing?

At one point, it seemed like no one looked down on them all, and then it seemed to support them.

Set Jingming said indifferently: "Let’s just say it briefly. My junior’s talent is not simple. He is also an Earth Spirit Array Mage. This time the one hundred fifth-Rank Arrays were created by him. I came here to let him Lost to go back."

Then, Bu Jingming just stated his plan.

Everyone present did not dare to slacken off, even Lan Bai had a gesture of uncertainty.

"Since you keep saying that this kid is not strong, but it makes you so jealous, and the other side says it's your junior, don't you contradict yourself?" Lan Bo said in a deep voice.

"I can't tell these for a while. All you need to know is that you can't underestimate him. Of course, you don't have to worry so much, because I'm here and he won't be able to go back." Fu Jingming said calmly.

Lanby knows how to observe words and colors, so he knows how to see whether a person is true or not and how good or bad a person is.

Set Jingming's strength and background are good, and there is no reason for such people to sabotage their actions.

Because if he really had any purpose for them, he would have done it long ago.

And Lanby believes that among the people present, he may be the only one who can suppress Set Jingming.

But the extraordinary temperament on the other person, as well as the pride that exudes between words and demeanor, makes it hard for people to believe his words.

After all, the Loulan Empire is only a bottom-placed continent to the outside world. How much does it take for such a small **** to come to him?

"Come on, first arrange for this distinguished guest from Cangling Academy to take a rest." Lan Bai waved his hand. Although he was a little uncertain, he still let Set Jingming stay.

Since Fu Jingming has decided on his plan, he naturally wouldn't leave so early.

Soon some of the relatively weak people in the main hall left, leaving Lan Bai's close guards and five confidants of the pure spirit realm.

"Master, can this kid be trusted?" one of the pure spirit realms asked.

Lan Bai's eyes were uncertain, and he finally made his own judgment and said: "I feel that this kid has no evil intentions towards us. As for what he said, we can't believe it all."

The close guard also said solemnly: "I felt a very dangerous aura in him. If I really want to fight, I'm afraid I don't have much chance."

"Sheng Hai, you mean, if he had something weird, he would have done it long ago?"


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