Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4094: Leaving Lanlou City

Even if Xiao Yu didn't need to guess what was in the jade box, he knew what it was.

That is the soul refining fruit.

Li Chang gave him the soul refining fruit in advance, which meant that Li Chang had declared the "success" of this task.

Because only after successfully completing the mission can you obtain the Soul Refining Fruit.

But the problem is, Xiao Yu did not succeed!

But Li Chang paid Xiao Yu as promised before. Isn't that enough to explain?

"Senior Li also hopes that you will not mix with this muddy water anymore. Since he has the heart to die, he won't involve more people. This is his last wish." Tang Linger said.

Xiao Yu's heart was full of sighs, and his eyes couldn't help but sigh.

Li Chang is one of the few seniors worthy of his respect, even if his soul is injured, he seeks help from all walks of life.

Even if his own king has the heart to surrender, he still begged as a courtier to make peace with the rebels in order to preserve Lanzheng and the empire.

But when facing reality, Li Chang finally gave in.

Xiao Yu just held the jade box, very uncomfortable.

He himself is a man of love and justice. Although he also wants to help Li Chang, he also knows that Li Chang has almost no chance of winning.

Who can support Li Chang even if he doesn't support his own king?

Xiao Yu also knew that Li Chang must also know that he would lose the battle, so he felt that there was no point in living.

Another is that because there are people around, Xiao Yu is not alone.

He didn't want Tang Linger to worry, he didn't want Tang Linger to accompany him on the adventure, so he made a decision.

"Let's go back." Xiao Yu said.

Then the two came out of the mansion, surreptitiously crossed the city wall, and then headed towards the outskirts of the city, where there was the space imprint they transmitted.

Xiao Yu remained silent all the way. Tang Linger bit his red lips behind him, and finally stopped and asked, "Xiao Yu, are you blaming me?"

Xiao Yu stopped, stunned, and shook his head immediately, and said, "How can I blame you? You are also worried about me and don't want me to take risks, don't you?"

"Besides, you are the person I care about the most, and your safety is the first." Xiao Yu said softly.

Tang Linger's heart warmed, and Xiao Yu immediately gave Xiao Yu a blank look, and said, "Then why are you not talking all the way."

Xiao Yu gave a wry smile and sighed, "I just feel that I can't do anything about many things."

Tang Linger took a step forward and comforted: "Everyone has their own destiny, and these destinies are their own choices. Respect for the choices of others is to respect him."

Xiao Yu was moved, yes, since Li Chang wanted to escape by himself, then this was definitely what he wanted to see most.

Then the two continued to move towards the direction of the space imprint.

But when he almost reached the space mark, Xiao Yu's heart suddenly moved, he stopped, even Tang Linger stopped.

"what happened……"

Both of them felt shocked, because they found a piece of bad news, that the space imprint could not be sensed!

"No, this is... a barrier!?" Xiao Yu was taken aback.

Immediately after he took a step, his mind moved, and the Tianmu branches crazily penetrated from the bottom of his feet to the ground, and immediately probed forward.

At the same time, Tang Ling'er closed her eyes, and a dark green light flickered on the center of her eyebrows.

After a while, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly drenched, and Tang Ling'er opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed through the dark green pupils.

"Within a hundred miles, it was blocked!"


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