Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4095: Blockade

The two had never thought that such a lower plane could actually seal off the space!

Of course, this kind of enchantment and blockade of space is not so terrifying to cover this plane. With such abilities, at least it is at the level of a powerful person.

And this blocked enchantment just centered on Loulan City and spread out within a hundred meters.

"For such a bottom plane, if you want to seal off the space of a hundred miles, imposing this kind of enchantment must not be temporarily imposed. They are prepared." Tang Linger's voice was slightly cold.

In a mere Lanlou continent, the strongest is just a realm stronger than the Three Spirit Realm. It is difficult to impose such a large-scale enchantment.

But if it is prepared in advance, then it becomes a possibility.

Xiao Yu's heart was slightly cold, and the rebels were basically in their hands. How could they come to impose any large-scale blockade?

Isn't this unnecessary?

Are they afraid of Lan Zheng and the others counterattack and then run away?

But here is the Lanlou Empire, where can they escape?

After all, Lan Bai and the others are rebels, but they are just taking the royal power and will not easily kill them.

"We are leaving here." Tang Linger said.

Although there is a blockade enchantment here, Tang Linger's face is not too solemn, it seems that for her, this is not indecipherable.

Although Xiao Yu didn't know what secret method Tang Ling'er had, he also knew that this blockade was not easy. If it were to be broken, it would inevitably consume a lot of energy, or even pay some price.

When he was in Pingshan Continent before, Tang Ling'er had always been in a weak state after returning, which made Xiao Yu very distressed.

Right now, if you really want to break this barrier, the consumption will definitely be very large.

Tang Ling'er's eyes flickered slightly, and a green light began to emerge. Just as she was about to get the seal, Xiao Yu's hand was placed on Tang Ling'er's shoulder.

"Xiao Yu?" Tang Linger looked at Xiao Yu strangely.

"Ling'er, you have done a lot for me, you can't let you take risks anymore," Xiao Yu said.

"It's very dangerous here. We have to escape first." Tang Linger didn't care about Xiao Yu, she just wanted to take Xiao Yu out with all her heart.

Tang Ling'er didn't answer Xiao Yu directly. Xiao Yu knew even more that Tang Ling'er's forceful attempt to break this huge blockade would definitely damage her cultivation base or her physical body.

Xiao Yu knew Tang Ling'er's character well, his spiritual power was directly urged, and then blocked Tang Ling'er's power.

"Xiao Yu!" Tang Linger frowned and looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu shook his head, did not speak, and said, "You have to listen to me this time."

Tang Linger wanted to protect Xiao Yu's safety. How could Xiao Yu be willing to take Tang Linger's adventure?

Tang Ling'er actually shook his head and smiled slightly, giving up the power of urging her.

Xiao Yu only felt relieved now, but his eyes reignited a bitter color.

Tang Linger knew what Xiao Yu was thinking, and shook her head: "It seems that as long as you decide something, you must do it. Have you decided?"

Yes, Tang Ling'er knew that since Fangyuan Baili had been sealed off the barrier, although they could break the barrier and escape by force, Xiao Yu chose a more adventurous way, and that was to return.

"Well, I just want to do my best."

Tang Linger nodded and said: "Okay, but you have to promise me one thing."

The two of them seemed to have the same feeling, Xiao Yu promised: "If we can't hold on, we will run away."


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