Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4164: Mochaquan!

Among the magic patterns, there are constantly strong aura fluctuations oscillating. What's strange is that among the four black magic patterns, there are silk gold coats on them, which looks extremely strange.

Mozi suddenly opened his eyes, feeling this powerful aura fluctuation. I don't know why, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

"This kid is very weird, we must solve him!" Although Metz hasn't fought with too many strong men, his knowledge is very limited.

But this young man gave him too much shock, which he had never had before.

Therefore, he simply spared no effort to launch his offensive.

Mozi's eyes flashed with countless black lights, and his fists began to condense, like a whirlpool.

"Swirl Strike·Devil Fist!"

The offensive of Mozi's punch made the space tremble with countless ripples. Such ripples immediately surrounded Xiao Yu. In a short time, Xiao Yu fell into a heavy encirclement.

The offensive of Mozi's punch is too terrifying, even a pure spirit realm may be killed here.

Tang Ling'er in the distance took a breath, and even her whole body became tense, her strength is constantly condensing, waiting for the last-minute rescue.

Mozi is really not practical for an ordinary strong person. This person is born in a fierce place all year round, grows up, cultivates, and has a lot of strength, much stronger than outsiders.

It was Li Chang who felt that if Mozi had gone out, there would be only a handful of people in the same level who could defeat him.


After a while, the four magic patterns floating on his palm began to vibrate violently, and the golden light became more and more.

The power of Buddha and Demon began to push to the extreme.


The black and golden light suddenly rose up into the sky, Xiao Yu's entire long hair was flying up, and the aura formed by the terrifying power of the Buddha and demons, even the space was violently trembling and shaking.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and then he squeezed his fist, turning his whole body into an afterimage and rushing forward.

On the ground, it was directly dragged out by Xiao Yu with a long trace, and then Xiao Yu's punch suddenly blasted the past.

"Mocha Boxing!"

Xiao Yu shook his whole body, and even all the blue veins on his forehead burst out.

The crazy power of Buddha and Demon in his body urged out, and immediately turned into a huge black gold palm and blasted forward towards the front.

That kind of monstrous demon power with a kind of ruining heaven and earth, as if it could make the earth really tired.

"Boom boom boom!"

Sure enough, violent vibrations began to appear in the space, and such vibrations directly caused a dense white spider pattern to appear in the space.

Yes, this is the embryonic form of the space crack.

With this combination of Buddha and magic power, Xiao Yu had such a terrifying power directly.

When Metz saw this scene, his whole body trembled violently.

He has never felt that he has felt such a terrifying power. The most important thing is that this is just a kid who is only in the Beginning Spirit Realm.

"how is this possible!?"

But Metz also knew that he could no longer escape, and if he escaped, he would be killed!

"Boy, don't want to succeed!!!"

Metz finally realized a breath of death, he roared wildly, and his sparing offensive finally swept up.

The two terrifying auras began to collide at this moment, sweeping out a large storm, and then only one afterimage was shaken out on the spot.

In an instant, within a kilometer radius, there was a suffocating state. Tang Ling'er, Li Chang, and Que Xin who were present could only feel the earth shaking.


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