Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4167: Runaway Valley (Part 2)

Xiao Yu took out all the spirit pills awarded by the academy last time to recover.

These spirit pills of course couldn't improve Xiao Yu's strength, but the spirit pills are pure energy that has been refined and can be supplemented in large quantities.

In this battle, Xiao Yu was almost in a state of overdraft.

His devilish fist was the first move used after the powers of Buddha and demons merged, and such a move was the result of Xiao Yu's full strength.

To be honest, even Xiao Yu was shocked. After all, the power of the Buddha and the demon was indeed too terrifying. It was just that Xiao Yu was taking a risk when urging this Li Aling because he had just realized the demon. Shaquan didn't have much time, and then it urged it out.

What you need to know is that the Nine Ranks Magic Rune Art in itself is a path leading to the creation of the gods.

With the three magic patterns, Xiao Yu could already have the strength of the pinnacle of the fetal yuan realm.

And because it is the power of the magic way, under normal circumstances, he can contend even in the first spirit realm.

Until the condensed one more magic pattern, that is, the degree of four magic patterns, this gave Xiao Yu more capital to fight against the confidence of the three spirits.

According to Xiao Yu's guess, the four magic lines can compete with the Three Spirit Realm, and even the Pure Spirit Realm can be comparable.

What's more, does this still incorporate the Great Prajna Sutra?

What you need to know is that the Great Prajna Sutra itself is an independent Buddhist sacred law, and this Buddhist sacred law is independent.

Xiao Yu merged with the great power of the Buddha, and with the peaceful effect of the power of the Buddha's path, to eliminate the "magic nature" of the power of the magic path, and thus had the power of the Buddha and the magic.

And Xiao Yu's Great Prajna Sutra can only reach the first form of Buddhism.

This is also Xiao Yu's attempt to mobilize more of the power of Buddhism into the Nine Turns of Magic Rune Art, and then launch a more powerful technique-Demon Shaquan.

The power of this is of course very huge and terrifying, but the problem is that Xiao Yu has not yet consolidated.

In other words, Xiao Yu can achieve the integration of the power of the Buddhist Dao and the power of the Demon Dao without repulsion, and at the same time, there will be no confusion during cultivation.

But with the increase in the understanding of the Buddhist sacred law, the output of this power is of course greater, which requires a better integration with the power of the magic way.

It was only in those few days that Xiao Yu wanted to use the power of Buddha and magic to meet this challenge, so he didn't take too long to merge and adapt.

Of course, the result was amazing. The killing of a strong man like Mozi was also what surprised Xiao Yu.

However, Xiao Yu also paid some price, that is, the strength of his body was hollowed out.

This hollowed-out state is really uncomfortable, and also very dangerous. As it is now, Xiao Yu can only be slaughtered.

It took Xiao Yu a day to swallow three patterns, two patterns, and one pattern of all the earth spirit pills before he managed to regain one-third of his strength.

"It seems that you can't take this risk next time!" Xiao Yu let out a sigh of relief and shook his head slightly.

Of course, special circumstances are dealt with specially, this is also the reason for Xiao Yu to take risks.

If you don't do this, you won't give up on the one hand, and on the other hand, Li Chang is afraid that he will die with the enemy.

Seeing Xiao Yu opened her eyes, Tang Linger walked over immediately, with a bit of resentment in her eyes, and she was not angry.

Xiao Yu grinned, moved his arms, and said, "Look, isn't it all right?"


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