Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4173: "Tame" the Corpse Puppet (Part 1)

The only thing Xiao Yu thought of was naturally the Nine Ranks Magic Rune Art.

But he didn't say anything, but watched the black phantom warily.

After all, these are the so-called generals of the eight sects, so powerful, and he doesn't know what to do to enter his consciousness, so Xiao Yu didn't dare to act rashly.


Immediately after that, the voice began to deny, and he said in a low voice, "Your breath is far from the Nine Gods. Are you a descendant of the Nine Gods?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help but say: "Senior, there are no nine gods here."

However, the voice ignored Xiao Yu and whispered to himself: "But that's right, the Nine Gods should be dead long ago, but since you are a descendant of the Nine Gods, then I will be loyal to you..."

After all, the black shadow suddenly flourished, and then covered Xiao Yu's entire consciousness. Xiao Yu did not even react in a timely manner.


Immediately afterwards, the consciousness of Rei Oh and shook suddenly, and the next moment, Xiao Yu's consciousness returned to the scene in the secret room.

However, a strange scene appeared. What Xiao Yu saw was not from his own physical perspective, but...

Xiao Yu saw "Xiao Yu", Tang Ling'er, Li Chang, and Que Xin. He was motionless. Tang Ling'er, Li Chang, and Que Xin looked at "self" solemnly.

What's going on?

Then, Tang Ling'er, Li Chang, and Que Xin showed a look of surprise in their eyes. Then Tang Ling'er first guarded "Xiao Yu", and Li Chang and Que Xin also quickly began to gather their strength. .

What's going on?

They seem to be afraid of themselves?

Then again, Xiao Yu's consciousness buzzed again, and then Xiao Yu's consciousness returned to "Xiao Yu".

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Xiao Yu stepped back three steps, looking at the three people in front of him and next to him.

"Xiao Yu?"

Tang Linger and the three of them were shocked again, but they also took a few steps back, and also guarded Xiao Yu's body.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that Tang Ling'er and the others were surprised to find that the eyes of the corpse puppet in front of them showed a divine light. The real look in their pupils was exactly the same as that of humans, which just surprised them.

So they immediately guarded Xiao Yu's body.

But the next moment, Xiao Yu backed away inexplicably, and the look in the eyes of the corpse puppet returned to a calm look, which made them even more strange.

"Just now..."

Xiao Yu seemed to know what was going on, and said, "I'm fine."

Then he took a step forward and walked to the front of the corpse puppet.

At this time, the red light in the corpse puppet's eyes had disappeared, replaced by a dim look.

Although there were some aura fluctuations in the corpse puppets, they disappeared, the same as the situation they felt at first.

"My consciousness entered his place just now." Xiao Yu turned his head and looked at Tang Linger and the others.

Tang Ling'er frowned, seeming to feel a strangeness.

Li Chang exclaimed: "No wonder the look in his eyes just now is so real, is it surrender to you?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and expressed puzzlement, but then he moved his mind and was even more surprised to find that the corpse puppet on the ground had disappeared.

Strictly speaking, it was taken into his consciousness by Xiao Yu!

Then his mind moved again, and then the corpse puppet appeared on the spot again.

"Really subdued by you?"


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