Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4175: The powerful corpse puppet (part 1)

The method of breeding is more fierce and decisive than Mozi. He didn't talk nonsense with Xiao Yu. As soon as his voice fell, suddenly, the distance suddenly remembered the howling of Silicon Valley wolves.



In less than a moment, dozens of figures rushed over.

Yes, what are these corpse puppet monsters?

It's just that these corpse puppet monster beasts are bigger, and the gloomy aura of death on their bodies is also stronger, which is somewhat different from what Xiao Yu and the others encountered when they first came in.

Obviously, the combat effectiveness of these corpse puppet monster beasts was very outstanding.

"This is the corpse puppet I have raised for ten years. I thought it was after Mozi found a breakthrough to urge these corpse puppets to kill people outside, but I didn't expect to use it here." Gan Zhuyin laughed Scream.

In fact, his city is deeper, and his strength is not much weaker than Metz.

"Really? From my point of view, you were just like killing Mozi early in the morning, right?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, especially in this fierce land, of course all want to rule the king.

Although it is only a small place and isolated from the world, this is human nature.

The things in my heart were seen through, and Gan Zu’s smile became even more crazy. He said, "Boy, you seem to be very smart. Do you want to be my subordinate and rule this continent? As far as I know, this continent The people at are stupid and timid, follow me and I will make you stronger."

"No need, thank you." Xiao Yu refused without mercy.

"Haha, it's really toast and not eat fine wine...Kill them!" Gan Zuo's eyes were cold, and he immediately gave the order.


When it was said that it was too late, the dozens of monster beasts instantly rushed towards Xiao Yu and the others.

Xiao Yu was already prepared, and with a thought, suddenly a two tall burly body suddenly stood up.


As soon as the corpse puppet appeared, his eyes suddenly glowed with countless expressions, and immediately rushed into the pair of monster corpses.


The eight generals shot out with a punch, and the terrifying power began to burst out, instantly destroying more than a dozen monster corpses.

Seeing this scene, Gan Zhu's expression suddenly changed, and even Li Chang and the others exclaimed: "So strong!"

The corpses of these monster beasts, each of them are at least to the extent of a virtual spirit realm, but these eight generals destroyed more than a dozen with one punch. What strength is this?

Of course Xiao Yu didn't expect that the corpse puppet would be so powerful, and his heart was immediately happy.

"Boom boom boom!"

It can be said that the offensive of the corpse puppets can be described as a direct attack on a yellow dragon, like a broken bamboo. In just a few rounds, all the monster corpse puppets were killed by shock.

"Well, it's your turn." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Then the corpse puppets of the Eight Generals rushed towards Gan Zu. Although there were dozens of his subordinates, they were not stupid. Of course, they all fled in all directions, leaving Gan Zu alone. Correct.

Gan Zu shouted: "I'm looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure jumped out, punched out with a punch, and his fist style also had an extremely powerful and terrifying aura of magic repair power.

With this punch, the space shook suddenly.

But the corpse puppet of the Eight-door General was also punched out with a punch, only a "click" and a scream of Gan Zu, and his entire arm was scrapped.

At this moment, Gan Zu finally knew the power and horror of this corpse puppet.



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