Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4176: The powerful corpse puppet (part 2)

Gan Zhu knew that he would never have a chance to compete with this corpse.

And he guessed wrong too, they weren't forced to retreat, but got some kind of luck!

He seemed to regret that he was waiting here and ambushing them.

"Want to go?" Xiao Yu snorted coldly.

Gan Zhu only felt a thick breath of strength coming from behind him, and this thick breath made his heart sink suddenly.

He knew that he couldn't escape, but fortunately he turned and roared, his physical body rose up to Sancun every inch, his physical body became as condensed as cast iron, and immediately he was killed with a punch.

"Magic Iron Fist!" Gan Shu shouted, urging his life's strength.

Magic Iron Fist, Earth-level Spiritualism!

Gan Zu blasted over with a punch, and the space was suddenly shaken out of circles of ripples, and these ripples faintly moved white spider patterns.

Space crack!

After all, the corpse puppet of the eight-door general did not have an autonomous fighting consciousness, and the power of the fist of Gan Zuo was really terrifying. Only a "boom" was heard, and the corpse puppet's chest was sunken by an inch.

Gan Zu was overjoyed, but before he was ecstatic, he was shocked to discover that the body of the corpse puppet hadn't moved a bit!

"How is it possible!?" His pupil shrank.

Yes, this was the powerful and terrifying body of the corpse puppet, and even Xiao Yu couldn't help taking a breath.

The corpse puppet's eyes suddenly flashed with black light, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and then directly penetrated Gan Zu's chest, and immediately with five fingers, his whole body was torn in half.

When the people in the evil city in the distance saw this scene, their expressions were frightened and turned into livid colors, and they fled straight away.

Tang Ling'er, Li Chang, and Que Xin didn't participate in the battle from the beginning to the end, but as a bystander, the perverted combat power of the Eight Generals shocked them beyond the reach.

Tang Ling'er seemed to be expected, but rather calmer.

But Li Chang and Que Xin are restless.

"This... is this too abnormal?" Que Xin muttered, dumbfounded.

Although these corpse puppets are some unconscious immortal bodies, they can only destroy them with absolute strength, but they can't imagine that the corpses of the eight-door generals will be so powerful!

The happiest thing was, of course, that Xiao Yu immediately followed. When the corpse puppet of the eight-door general began to calm down, Xiao Yu's face instantly turned pale and fell directly to the ground.

"Xiao Yu!" Tang Linger was slightly startled, and immediately hugged Xiao Yu.

"What's wrong with Xiao Yu?" Li Chang was surprised and asked quickly.

The one who was just fine, now how to say he fell and fell?

However, Tang Linger felt a little bit and found that Xiao Yu's consciousness was still there, and he was relieved and said, "He is all right, he just passed out in a coma."

"Coma? How could you be unconscious?" Que Xin asked.

Tang Linger looked at her face with her eyes closed, and said, "This guy is too capable."

Knowing that an hour had passed, when the rain woke up, he felt that he felt a sense of collapse and groggy.

But as soon as he woke up, he found himself lying in a beautiful village, with a refreshing smell in his nose.

The first sentence Xiao Yu woke up was not how he was unconscious, but a sentence--

"It smells good."

Tang Ling'er blushed, and immediately pushed Xiao Yu away to the ground.



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