Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4201: Top ten places

As soon as these words came out, whether it was a student from the Cangling City or the mainland from an outer plane, everyone was shocked by Xiao Yu's arrogant remarks, and what followed was their transformation. For a cold-eyed attitude.

"Is Xiao Yu going crazy? On this end, Fu Jingming said that he was the first one, and on the other end, did he start to fight with Set Jingming?"

"What a **** guy, the setting is obviously to stimulate him, this time he is going to be fooled!"

"Yeah! Set Jingming directly said that whoever came into contact with him was the first one to deal with in the flag grab meeting. This kid still hits the gun head. Is this self-inflicted?"

"Xiao Yu is still too proud."

These students from the outer planes of the mainland seem to be a little bit overwhelmed.

In fact, it's no wonder that Xiao Yu is indeed very talented, but the question is who is it?

First class students!

For this person with strength and background, if they want to break him, it is Qing Mingxin and Du Jun who both ask themselves that they are not 100% sure!

On the other side, the local children of Cangling City laughed.

"Hahaha! This kid must be crazy. He really thought that by defeating Set Jingming's demon pet in the beast arena, he could reach the sky in one step."

"I really don't see the coffin that doesn't cry. Brother Ming obviously waited for him with a banquet, and he actually came."

"Hehe, Brother Ming is still good, I'm sure this kid will definitely be fooled, but I saw it now."

For the students in Cangling City, they didn't think it was a challenge, but regarded it as a joke.

Of course this is what they are willing to see and expect to see.

But then, there was even more exciting news.

That is, some changes have taken place in the rules of this flag-grabbing conference.

At this time, above a restaurant in Cangling City, there were more than a dozen figures in the box, among which the young man led by his face was cold and his temperament was extraordinary.

Of course, these dozens of people have very good temperaments, and Pang Kaiyu is among them.

And the person in the lead is surprisingly Set Jingming.

As a child of the Bu family, one of the three major clans in Cangling City, Bu Jingming not only has a strong background, but even his strength is very high.

Even though he is a second-class disciple, he is only one step away from reaching the first-class disciple level.

You know, those who can reach Grade A disciples already represent the most elite and talented group in the upper courtyard.

Therefore, Bu Jingming's status is very high even in the hearts of the dozens of Cangling City's children.

"Just now the academy issued a new rule. It is said that Feng Master Chu struggled at the meeting, and then the reward was expanded to the top ten." Someone said.

There are extra rewards for the first place in the flag-grabbing conference, and the remaining two or three are given extremely generous rewards.

Traditionally, rewards are only given to the top three, other rankings are not counted, and they are regarded as a kind of experience.

After all, some people know that there is no hope, but they all come to participate in order to exercise themselves in so many masters.

Pang Kaiyu said indifferently: "In fact, thinking about it, I think what's going on, I'm afraid that the above knows that the kid is going to participate, and this is specially set to stimulate him."

"Huh! He Dehe Neng, a person who goes up to the main peak by the back door." The other person sneered.

No matter how they look down on Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu is a disciple of the main peak, this is the first time that a disciple of the main peak has participated in a flag-grabbing conference!

Of course, that was because Xiao Yu's strength was low enough.

So they guessed that what the academy did was to increase the splendid nature of the flag-grabbing event on the one hand, and on the other hand to give Xiao Yu a chance.

"Hehe, the top three can't get it. The top ten rewards are specially set up to save Heiyanfeng's face?" Bu Jingming spoke, his eyes a little indifferent.


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