Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4203: Occupy the quota (below)

But Pang Kaiyu was still the most eye-catching. He quickly said, "Brother Ming, will you take me with you?"

For a while, someone also woke up.

"Yes, this is a team battle. The ranking is based on the team. The upper yard does not include Class A students. There are less than 300 people, which means there will be at least 50 or 60 teams!"

Each team can have up to five people, so there are sixty teams.

According to the rewards, only the top ten have a share, so at least there are more than forty teams without ranking.

And some people still can't form a team, some are one, and there are two. In this way, there will definitely be more than 50 or 60 teams participating.

After all, in such a prosperous age, everyone in the upper house would choose to participate if nothing happened.

Everyone looked at Set Jingming with fiery eyes.

Among them, Set Jingming's strength is the highest. Among the disciples of the second class, only three are above the Three Spirit Realm. Set Jingming counts as one, and then Qing Mingxin and Du Jun.

Therefore, if they can follow Set Jingming, their chances are of course even greater.

The so-called one person who has won the Taoist chicken and dog ascended to the sky, there is such a big master as Fu Jingming, if you join his team, you can get the first place with them!

In other words, everyone in the first place team gets the same reward!

So rich, who wouldn't want to join the team?

Fu Jingming nodded and said, "Kaiyu, you count one, I will choose the others from you."

Pang Kaiyu was overjoyed. In fact, he also knew that with his relationship with Fu Jingming, plus that he was an array mage, the power in the team would definitely be very great.


Who knows, when Bu Jingming's words turned, he narrowed his eyes and said: "The first place is mine. For the other rankings, I will clear the obstacles for you."

The eyes of those present lit up, and they seemed to understand what Set Jingming wanted to say.

But there are still questions: "Apart from Qing Mingxin and Du Jun, will anyone else agree?"

In their impression, Qing Mingxin and Du Jun are not simple goods!

That can be confronted with Bu Jingming.

So second and third place, they want to get involved, it is almost impossible.

But what you need to know is that in the upper house, in addition to Qing Mingxin and Du Jun, there are also some children from other continents that are not allowed to be underestimated.

"When they meet me, they will agree if they don't." Set Jingming said lightly.

"Haha, it's still Ming wise, the guys must have thought that they still have a chance to get the top ten." Some people showed mockery in their hearts.

Pang Kaiyu sneered: "Also, Brother Ming has already said that if anyone comes into contact with that kid, then we will be the first to deal with him. This kid, maybe he will bite the bullet and join him."

Obviously, Pang Kaiyu's prejudice against Xiao Yu was absolutely great, and he even wished to deal with Xiao Yu at the meeting immediately in return for the hatred of humiliating him.

"But there is a **** Heiyan Peak who often stays with him, and the two of them are afraid they will participate together." Someone said.

The person they were talking about was undoubtedly Tang Linger.

In the upper court, Tang Linger's attention is also very high, of course, this attention is more from beauty and background.

Otherwise, how could he join the Black Flame Peak as soon as he entered the academy?

Set Jingming said indifferently: "I have already found out. She seems to be a child of a powerful family. The upper court specially opened the back door for her, but her cultivation level is only in the Three Spirit Realm, which has little effect on us.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, even if he has enough five people for him, they are just a mob, how can they be Ming's opponent?"

But Bu Jingming murmured: "Instead, I hope to meet him at the flag-grabbing conference. I would like to see how he was defeated by me and begging for mercy under absolute strength."


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