Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4232: Stone Flash vs. Ladder

Xiao Yu's speed was not slow at all, and even came from behind. The golden light shone like a meteor, which shocked people.

The three ontological children were immediately shocked. They believed that their ladder skills had reached a certain level, and the three of them were all virtual spirit realms. Not to mention crushing a beginner spirit realm kid, it would be an absolute advantage. It's very easy.

But at this moment, they couldn't see Xiao Yu's figure clearly!

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Those who watched the excitement from the outside couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this scene. Yes, they all saw the terrifying speed of Xiao Yu.

But in any case, the other party had three people, and they were crushing Xiao Yu at the same time, and their strength was enough to make Xiao Yu feel a powerful oppression.

But then, what made people stunned was that Jin Guang actually interspersed among the three white blue smoke!

The three of them couldn't stop Xiao Yu!

Then, after Xiao Yu passed the three of them, his figure suddenly changed, and a carbine came back immediately, and his speed soared again.

The Jinshi flashing technique worked, and the three of them didn't react at all, and Xiao Yu was interspersed among them, which caught them by surprise.

The three people secretly cried out, because they felt the powerful oppression behind them.


Then, Xiao Yu snorted and struck out with two kicks and three punches.

"Boom boom!"

The three of them just turned around, and then they caught Xiao Yu's fist and foot movements. Suddenly, the three of them were blown upside down on the spot.


Suddenly, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Three virtual spirit realms shot at the same time, but they were defeated by Xiao Yu!

This is really amazing.

The three children of the main body felt fierce pain in their backs and the corners of their mouths were overflowing with blood.

"But that's it." Xiao Yu froze his figure and glanced lightly at the three people who had been shot into the air.

Those people in the distance were a little dumbfounded.

No one thought that Xiao Yu's speed would be so fast, which really surprised them.

"What kind of body spell and spirit was that just now? Why haven't we seen it?"

"Isn't he lying?"

Facts speak louder than words, what they saw just confirmed what Xiao Yu said!

When Weng Xiao saw this scene, his face was shocked and immediately angry.

"Boy, don't be arrogant!"

Weng Xiao felt that they had received a strong humiliation. Three virtual spirit realms and three ladder techniques could all be successfully attacked.

Immediately afterwards, Weng Xiao let out a low roar, and the aura of the pure spirit realm suddenly exploded, and a cloud of energy began to swept through his body and loomed upward.

As the tenth-ranked existence among the second-class students, Weng Xiao has enough capital to look down upon Xiao Yu.

An extremely rapid breath exploded, his steps slammed on the ground, and a cloud of mist exploded on the ground, and then his figure jumped up.

"Boy, go to death!!"

Weng Xiao wanted to humiliate Xiao Yu today, but he didn't want Xiao Yu to have such a powerful posture, which made him very angry.

The ladder technique suddenly performed, and he hit Xiao Yu with one punch.

The terrifying vigor actually enveloped within a hundred meters, making people breathless.

"Weng Xiao actually came here!" The people in the distance were all taken aback.

Although fighting is forbidden in the academy, on these peaks, where there are few people, you will not be punished if you try to learn a little bit.

But Weng Xiao's level of heavy hand!

"call out!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed golden light, and his figure flicked out again.

Is this going to go head-to-head with Weng Xiao?


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