Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4233: Playing with Weng Xiao

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng was also taken aback.

Obviously, although Xiao Yu's body speed is strange and fast, Weng Xiao is different from those three people just now!

This person's strength is pure spirit realm!

Many people held their breath after seeing Jin Guang colliding with Weng Xiao's white cloud.

If the offensives of the three Protagonists just now were more of a general purpose, then Xiao Yu is about to run into steel plates now!

Weng Xiao's eyes were a bit fierce. Of course he didn't want to kill him, but he could easily do it if Xiao Yu was hurt.

However, what surprised him was that his punch was about to collide with the golden light that was swept over by the opponent, but the next second, the golden light actually deviated and dodged his fist.

In the next second, Xiao Yu's figure suddenly appeared dozens of meters behind Weng Xiao, standing still.


Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, and Xiao Yu escaped! !

What kind of body is this?

This was the first thought that came to their minds.

Before, they thought Xiao Yu was slanderous, but they didn't expect Xiao Yu to surprise them twice.

Weng Xiao turned his head and looked at Xiao Yu. He felt as if he had been tricked, so angry.

"I thought it was some great spirituality, it was as slow as a tortoise." Xiao Yu laughed at the crime.

"Xiao Yu!!" Weng Xiao roared again in anger.


Weng Xiao's momentum rose again, countless air waves began to churn, and Weng Xiao's figure swept out again.

This time, the ladder technique was performed by him to a more extreme and faster point.

"So fast!"

A burst of blue smoke flew out, coupled with the terrifying aura in Weng Xiao's burning anger, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Xiao Yu.

Then, in Weng Xiao's sulky eyes, he clenched his fist, and his whole body was like pulling a bow and shooting an arrow. The air was suddenly exploded, and the fist hit Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes gleamed slightly.

To be honest, Weng Xiao’s strength is still not weak. The power of this punch is that the virtual spirit realm is hit, and the skin will be peeled if he is immortal, and this is still under Weng Xiao’s heavy hand, no dead hand. Under circumstances.

Xiao Yu knew that if he wanted to resist, it would be very difficult.

However, since he deliberately angered this Weng Xiao, his goal was of course not to head-on with the opponent.

The golden light on his body flashed again, and a strange spatial fluctuation began to permeate.

Under normal circumstances, facing Weng Xiao's swift and violent offensive, it would be impossible to avoid it, but don't forget how far Xiao Yu's Jinshi flash technique has reached.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu's figure was like thunder and lightning. When the opponent's fist was about to reach him, he dodged to the side again.


Weng Xiao's pupils shrank, and his offensive was once again lost!


Those onlookers gasped again, facing Weng Xiao's offensive, Xiao Yu actually avoided once again! ?

is it possible?

"Brother Yu, great!" Luo Feng cheered.

They thought that Xiao Yu was going to be blown away with a punch, and they didn't want Xiao Yu to avoid it again.

"Ah!!!" Weng Xiao's heart was furious again.

This is already Xiao Yu playing with himself twice!

What is his face! !

"Xiao Yu, I want you to die!!"

Under the crown of anger, Weng Xiao was furious, and his murderous spirit rose.

However, at this moment, the three local children exclaimed.

"Weng Xiao, hide away!!"


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