Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4244: Inform

In Cangling City, Bu Jingming and others gathered together again.

The speaker is Tao Xing. Tao Xing is also one of the best among the local children, and one of the top ten students of the second class.

The news of Weng Xiao's defeat at Heiyan Peak, of course, spread quickly.

After all, Weng Xiao swaggered to find Xiao Yu to settle the accounts, and give Xiao Yu off his horse, but who knew that not only could he not get back the face, he was humiliated by Xiao Yu instead.

What's more terrible is that with the strength of the pure spirit realm, Weng Xiao was actually defeated by Xiao Yu in physical and spiritual skills!

It really confirmed what Xiao Yu said before, that the other party really has spiritual skills that are more powerful than the ladder technique!

Thinking of this, the faces of the people present are all difficult to look, of course, the most ugly face is naturally the clear scenery.

Ladder technique can be regarded as one of his trump card spiritual arts, such spiritual arts, generally only first-class students can comprehend and practice, because the requirements for talent and strength are not low.

But because of his talent and some guidance, Bu Jingming quickly learned this spiritual technique.

He took it out and shared it with the local children in Cangling City, of course, in order to make this group of students from the outer continent lose their face in the flag grab meeting, so that their local children could get more rankings.

But he had never imagined that Xiao Yu actually had a body spell and spirit skill that was more powerful than the ladder spell!

And still in front of so many people!

At this moment, not only Weng Xiao, but even his Bu Jingming's face had no face.

He himself used the powerful and profound spirituality of the ladder technique to establish his prestige and reputation. It is fine now, and the ship capsized in the gutter.

Weng Xiao lowered his head, afraid to speak.

To be honest, he is the most embarrassed person. After all, he was the one who asked Xiao Yu to settle the accounts, and he was also injured a little bit internally.

Although these internal injuries had no effect on him, how could Weng Xiao raise his head in the future.

When Pang Kaiyu saw that the atmosphere was not right, he opened his mouth and said: "This kid has a lot of sideways, plus Weng Xiao had underestimated the enemy before, so he was overtaken, and he is still a formation mage, who knows if there is any slippage."

When other people heard Pang Kaiyu speaking, they also agreed.

"That's right, this kid is not as simple as his superficial strength, he has too many cards, and he didn't know which way he was mixed up beforehand."

"Moreover, he is now a child of the main peak, he must know a lot of secret techniques. If he really fights, how could he be Weng Xiao's opponent?"

"That's right! If that girl hadn't appeared, that kid would have been beaten to the ground by Weng Xiao."

There were all voices condemning Xiao Yu in the venue. Obviously, they were unusually united under Xianyi.

Fu Jingming's originally gloomy expression eased slightly.

Whether directly or indirectly, he had contact with Xiao Yu, so he still knew very clearly that Xiao Yu indeed had a lot of cards, and the secret technique was also very scary.

The powerful body, the formation master, the battle formation master, etc., all refreshed Fu Jingming's view of Xiao Yu time and time again.

Even though they said so, Bu Jingming's expression only eased a little, because he knew that these were actually part of Xiao Yu's background.

"It looks like I underestimated him again." Fu Jingming said with a sneer.

Acknowledging the strength of the opponent is actually not difficult, but the difficulty is, the opponent is just the first spiritual realm!

It is indeed difficult to recognize the strength of the other party with the pride of Jingming.

"Hehe, it's getting more and more interesting, but I won't let him go so smoothly, go to the Xingtang to report him, saying that someone did not pass the application for the status of lecturer, privately teaches in the upper courtyard, and privately collects flint."

Bu Jingming narrowed his eyes and said, "Xiao Yu, on the contrary, I am more and more interested in playing with you."


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