Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4245: Come from black tiger hall

In the college, if you want to teach, you naturally need to be a lecturer.

There are prefecture-level, intermediate, and advanced lecturers. Lecturers can only come in after passing the application and assessment.

Under normal circumstances, there are very high requirements for the lecturers who teach, because they guide the students to practice quickly and embark on such a career, so the college’s regulations have very strict systems of.

This also stipulates that ordinary students cannot teach privately.

Because the students have inadequate cultivation experience, do not have the precipitation of so many years of cultivation of the elders, and have no supervision, it is easy to lead to another incorrect route when teaching.

This is easy to cause a high risk, that is, confusion.

Therefore, students are strictly restricted from teaching privately.

Of course, it is normal for the students not to teach each other their cultivation experience. After all, they guide and learn from each other.

However, what is not normal is that Xiao Yu teaches publicly, and also charges flint!

In this way, if there is even a little mistake in cultivation, it will cause everyone to make mistakes along with it, and of course the risks and harms will increase a lot.

On this day, under the side seam of Heiyan Peak, Xiao Yu was still giving lectures. This was the third day, and there were still dozens of people.

Xiao Yu gave lectures in the morning and asked them to go back to study in the afternoon.

In this way, they have enough time to meditate and perform at the same time.

Everyone was meditating, and Xiao Yu also taught them some of the problems they encountered during the Jinshi flash technique.

The lecture actually didn't take long. According to Xiao Yu's guess, such a schedule would allow them to learn and contact by themselves in one week.

"Well, today I'm talking about the continuity of the body method, just go back and practice more." Xiao Yu said.

Everyone got up, and their faces were a little expectant.

Although it was the third day, they still felt that they had made a lot of progress. At the same time, after they went back, they also felt that this kind of body and spirit was lighter than many of the academy's earth-level spirits, and even felt like a wonderful integration into the space. .

Because it was Gu carving's natal skill, and it was a combination of metallicity and the power of space laws, it wouldn't be surprising to have this feeling.

And just as everyone was about to leave, suddenly, several dark shadows in the distance swept over here.


Xiao Yu frowned and couldn't help looking forward.

The strongest Jiang Xiao, Xie Junyi, and Ning Ling frowned.

"They are... from Xingtang!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

There were eight people in the distance, all of them wearing tight-fitting black clothing.

This is a special sign of Xingtang, whose purpose is to demonstrate the strict attitude of rewards and punishments of Xingtang people.

The Xingtang is an independent department in the academy, which is in charge of penalties. The power of the Xingtang is great, but under normal circumstances, the Xingtang will not be easily dispatched unless it violates some of the rules of the academy.

The leader was a black-faced young man who was fierce and violent, with a fierce attitude. The eight people in this group were all cultivated beyond the Three Spirit Realm!

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed. Of course, this was much stronger than those small teams of Ge Shan.

Ge Shan is at the bottom of the Xingtang staff at best. After all, when he was admitted to the upper court, he was in the Heavenly Sun state and his strength was very low. Therefore, the Xingtang members like Ge Shan generally only execute rewards and punishments in the lower court.

Of course, the Xingtang staff in the upper and lower courts are also hierarchical. Presumably, these eight people are obviously too powerful.

Everyone at the scene knew that as soon as a person from the Xingtang showed up, it meant a violation of the rules of the academy.

"Xiao Yu, I am Wu Qi of the Black Tiger Hall. You violated the rules of the academy, and you deliberately took you back for interrogation!"


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