Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4246: Wu Qi


The expressions of Luo Feng and others suddenly changed.

Sure enough, there is nothing good about the people from the Xingtang!

"Oh my god, it turned out to be from Heihutang! I just said how familiar this suit is!"

"Heihutang is said to be extremely strict in rewards and punishments, much stricter than Bai Fengtang. Under normal circumstances, it is a repeat offender, or the person who has committed a great crime will be dispatched!"

"Oh my God, what law did Xiao Yu commit? It actually caused them to appear?"

The students in the upper courtyard were a little surprised.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Wu Qi? Is that the person who was recruited into the Black Tiger Hall last year? He seems to be from the First Academy!"

Ning Ling's eyes drenched slightly and said, "It turns out that it's Wu Qi!"

Jiang Xiao and Xie Junyi nodded solemnly.

Of course they knew Wu Qi, because this person was recommended by the head of the Black Tiger Hall, and he was also a native child of Cangling City!

Yes, this person is a child of the Wu family who is as famous as the Bu family among the three major families in Cangling City!

The local children of Cangling City are naturally endowed with a favorable cultivation environment. Under normal circumstances, they enter the upper court through internal assessments.

It can be said that this is a kind of preferential treatment given by Cangling Academy to the native children of Cangling City.

Of course, this kind of assessment is actually the same difficulty as that of the upper house, except that it does not participate in the assessment of promotion from the lower house to the upper house.

Therefore, there are no native disciples in Cangling City in the lower court, only the upper court will have them.

Although the academy takes care of Cangling City, the academy is still strict in entering and leniently exiting. This is the same as that of the children from the outer continent who have entered the assessment.

Therefore, every student in Cangling City who can enter the upper court can be said to have another assessment, but their talent and strength are definitely genuine, and this Wu Qi is considered one.

Two years ago, Wu Qi failed to pass the assessment of a native student in Cangling City and was directly recommended by the head of the Black Tiger Hall. He was directly seated as a second-class student, which showed a kind of talent and strength.

I would like to ask, as soon as I entered the level of the Three Spirits realm, I was still a second-class student, and then in one year, that is, last year, he surpassed the cultivation base of the three-spirit realm and became a first-class student. Does this talent still need any assessment?

Of course not.

Because of this, Wu Qi was recruited directly into the Black Tiger Hall last year.

Of course, the appearance of Wu Qi made all the people present a little disgusted. This is a genius!

Wu Qi looked up and down at Xiao Yu behind the crowd, with a cold look in his eyes, but he was from the Xingtang, so his face was covered with a cold and arrogant color.

"You are Xiao Yu, aren't you? Come back with me!"

"Wu Qi, what did Xiao Yu commit?" Ning Ling asked.

Wu Qi glanced at Jiang Xiao and the three of them, and sneered: "I thought the three of you could have a bit of insight, but I didn't expect it to be so stupid. It looks like you are no different from two years ago."

"You..." Ning Ling suddenly became angry, his face flushed.

Two years ago, Wu Qi came to the upper court. Jiang Xiao and the three of them were still Grade A students. Today, two years later, Wu Qi’s strength is already among the Grade A students, but Jiang Xiao and the three are still Grade B students. Student, this is the gap.

Xie Junyi said solemnly: "Wu Qi, there is a reason for arresting people. What mistake did Xiao Yu make? Even if you are from the Xingtang, you can't arrest people indiscriminately."

Wu Qi sneered, and said, "Crazy arresting people? I don't have the qualifications of a lecturer. I teach privately. There are more than 30 people and the benefits are accepted. Is this a reason?"

For a moment, the faces of the people present changed slightly.


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