Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4256: Master of Black Tiger Hall

When this voice came out, a middle-aged man walked out. Of course, this middle-aged man was not Hong Sheng, but a thin middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man has a pair of eagle eyes extremely sharp, and he has a strong murderous aura. He can't hide it, so when he appears, the entire lobby is filled with extremely depressing feelings.

"Heihutang Hall Master, Bai Zhong!"

Someone exclaimed in a low voice.

It is rumored that the method of the hall master of the Black Tiger Hall was extremely harsh and severe, because in the entire Xing Hall, Bai Zhong performed the most tasks outside and killed the most people, so he would have a hostile spirit inside.

After all, it is not only the students who are in charge of the Xingtang, but also the lecturers and even the elders!

The so-called emperor has to commit the same crime with the common people. The rules of the academy are still minor if the students ranged from the law. If the lecturers, elders, etc. do things that endanger the academy, it is a big crime.

Of course, these things have happened in Cangling Academy for so many years.

It's like a lecturer stealing the spirituality of the college and going out and reselling it.

Or the students betrayed the information about the students performing tasks outside, and then let some people with the intention to deal with them.

Bai Zhong’s law enforcement is strict and his methods are famous. It is said that a young lecturer who just came to the academy once stole the high-level elixirs from the medicine pavilion and was stolen by the people on the spot and tried to escape. Injured many people, and in the end Bai Zhong shot directly, abolished this person's cultivation base, and expelled him from the academy.

It was because of this incident that Bai Zhong's name came to mind in the academy.

Now, when they saw that Bo Zhong had all come forward, of course their hearts trembled slightly.

As soon as Bai Zhong appeared, his gaze was just a light glance at Xiao Yu, and his eyes flashed with a bit of cruelty.

He is also from Cangling City, so of course he is aware of the recent affairs between Xiao Yu and Bu Jingming.

Moreover, he had heard of Xiao Yu's name a long time ago. When he saw this son today, Bai Zhong was naturally a little interested and a little cold.

After all, this kid had publicly questioned their Xingtang in the Qingyin incident last time. Now he teaches privately, and there are still benefits. Of course, he will not stand idly by and even strictly enforce the rules and regulations of the college.

Of course, Bai Zhong's strength and the deep aura on his body also made Xiao Yu's heart slightly startled.

He never thought that because of his so-called public lectures, he actually attracted the master of the Black Tiger Hall.

And everyone present seemed to know that the appearance of Bai Zhong definitely meant that Xiao Yu's guilt could not be escaped.

But what they are curious about is, why did Bai Zhong say that kind of competition?

However, what Bai Zhong said just now made Xiao Yu Haoxiang a little interested.

"Does the hall master mean to make me fail to compare with yours?" Xiao Yu asked lightly.

Bai Zhong's eyes narrowed slightly. He was also very talented when he was young, and he has seen countless people up to now. Xiao Yu's unhurried, even slightly calm look made his nature more intense. Up.

In his opinion, in the Cangling Academy, only the few guys from the main peak can behave so calmly when facing him.

"No wonder the main hall master made me frustrate his spirit."


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