Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4257: If i choose him

It turned out that for such a thing, Bai Zhong was behind the scenes, and it was enough to send an order to Wu Qi. The grievances among the students were simply not his turn to come forward.

No matter how famous Xiao Yu was and how talented he was, in his opinion, he was nothing more than a little guy in the Three Spirit Realm.

How high he can jump is second, the key is that Bai Zhong is able to endure, it is not his turn to shoot.

Although he is from Cangling City, you must know that this young man is still Chu Dongmen. If he really came forward, Chu Dongmen would be a little difficult to explain.

But this time is different, this is an order from the main hall master himself.

And what Hong Sheng said to him was to frustrate Xiao Yu's spirit, so he came.

After all, after all, among the younger generation, he is still interested in being able to rise to such a guy, and it is Hong Sheng who speaks again, he wants to see this person even more.

As soon as I saw it today, the other side's looks and looks were indeed a bit sharp, so I don't know how many.

Bai Zhong carried his hands on his back and said calmly: "Yes, this person is up to you, as long as he has cultivated the ladder technique and has the same strength as you, or even higher than you."

As soon as this word came out, many people murmured secretly.

"What? Isn't it an unfair test after so long?"

"Yes, isn't this just embarrassing Xiao Yu on purpose?"

Among the upper courtyard practitioners, apart from the first-class students, there are only the group of people like Fu Jingming.

Moreover, he is still stronger than Xiao Yu. Isn't this just bullying Xiao Yu?

What kind of test is this?

At least they have to be about the same strength as Xiao Yu, so that they can show fairness!

They thought that this was Xiao Yu's chance to get rid of sin, didn't this result have not changed?

However, only a small number of discerning people were able to see through Bai Zhong's words, such as Tang Linger, Luo Feng, Sima Kou, Ju Wenfu, they were silent.

"Actually, this is the best way to get Xiao Yu really free from crime." Sima Kou said.

The people next to him looked at him, a little puzzled.

"Before, Weng Xiao and Xiao Yu lost faster than they did. Although they didn't admit it, the body and spirit skills we cultivate are indeed better than the ladder skills. It's not so unfair, it's a chance to prove to Xiao Yu. "

Luo Feng also calmed down, and immediately looked at Weng Xiao and the others with a smile, and said, "That's good, but they lost to Xiao Yu last time. Isn't that the same condition as now?"

The faces of Weng Xiao and others were slightly difficult to look, but Weng Xiao still snorted, looked at Luo Feng and the others, and said, "What are you proud of? Last time I said that I underestimated my enemy. If I go all out, you think Xiao Yu will have Opportunity?"

"That is, the gap between the primary spiritual realm and the pure spiritual realm is not even a tiny bit. Don't try to make up for it with skills. This is stupid."

Luo Feng snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Indeed, the comparison between the pure spirit realm and the initial spirit realm is indeed two great realms higher. The last time Weng Xiao lost, it really made many people eye-catching.

In fact, Luo Feng and the others had thought about it in their hearts. If Weng Xiao would go all out as soon as he came up, Xiao Yu would hardly have any chance.

Although fighting is a combination of many factors, it is still based on strength in the final analysis. Xiao Yu is indeed inferior to the opponent in strength.

Therefore, Weng Xiao and the others were not too afraid that Xiao Yu would choose one of them, because the conditions proposed by Wu Qi were not unfavorable to them.

But who knows, Xiao Yu pointed to Wu Qi and smiled: "What if I choose him?"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.


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