Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4283: The cloud treads a thousand meters (below)

"Xiao Yu, you asked for this!"

Wu Qi's eyes dazzled. He wanted to move the highest state of the ladder technique so quickly, but there is no way. Now there are still two-thirds of the distance to the mountain. Now he can only start the cloud stepping in advance. Can win this competition.


I saw that Wu Qi's body began to have a thick mist rising, and immediately he stepped out one step, countless clouds and mist began to appear under his feet, and then, his figure turned out to be like an arrow from the string. When I went up, I disappeared in the same place in an instant, without a trace!

Many people exclaimed.

"The cloud treads a thousand meters! This is the pinnacle of the ladder technique!"

Many people were amazed.

If Wu Qi's catching up with Xiao Yu and the remnant cloud in the first round was a kind of speed, then Yun Ting Kilo's catching up with Xiao Yu was beyond reach.

Bu Jingming finally breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes full of disdain.

"Xiao Yu, I said you don't have a chance."

"Haha, Wu Qi can definitely beat Xiao Yu."

"That is, the cloud ladder technique is a very high level existence in the earth-level body magic spirit technique. At Wu Qi's speed, the pure spirit realm's full urging speed can't keep up."

The speed that affects the body technique is firstly its own strength, secondly it is the comprehension of body-management spirituality, and thirdly it is the rank of spirituality.

Under the same strength, then it is necessary to compare the ranks of physical spells and spiritual arts, as well as the degree of understanding of spiritual arts.

It is true that although they didn't want to admit it in their hearts, they had to shock Xiao Yu's physical and spiritual skills.

Therefore, they didn't ridicule Xiao Yu's body spell and spiritual skill level, because they returned, Xiao Yu's body spell and spiritual skill level is definitely not low, and it is very likely to exceed the ladder skill.

But what about this?

Wu Qi has a high understanding of the ladder technique!

The best example is cloud treading a thousand meters.

Among the mountains.

Seemingly calm, Hong Sheng, who didn't say a word, had no waves on the surface, but in his heart he was obviously a little disappointed with Xiao Yu.

In this competition, he wanted to give Xiao Yu an experience, and he also wanted to see how Xiao Yu's talents and strengths were.

As for what is not punished, it is irrelevant.

It was just that Xiao Yu was sued, and he had to do business, so he went on to give Xiao Yu a chance this time.

But obviously, Hong Sheng was a little disappointed.

"The cloud treads a thousand meters, Wu Qi this kid uses it, I am afraid it will be the winner." Lian Tuxi said calmly.

On the contrary, there are two people who do not agree with it, that is, Chu Dongmen and Chengchuan.

Needless to say, Chu Dongmen, if he didn't even believe the children of his main peak, who could he believe.

He didn't believe that Xiao Yu was only capable of this.

It goes without saying that Cheng Chuan is a person who has witnessed Xiao Yu's first place in the five great temples, and also knows Xiao Yu's background and identity. Therefore, he has always reserved the existence of such an evil background. Of opinion.

Xiao Yu's rise is of course a good thing for their Cangling Academy, but he also knows the so-called good fortune and misfortune.

Therefore, in this regard, Cheng Chuan must do his part to protect the first door of the college, and spend more effort to supervise Xiao Yu.

The so-called supervision, of course, is a kind of training, to prevent Xiao Yu from causing trouble.

And inwardly, if this kind of thing were tossed out, Cheng Chuan would very much agree with Xiao Yu.

I don't know how Xiao Yu would respond?


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