Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4284: Keep catching up (Part 1)

There is still time, after all, there are still two-thirds of the mountain road, so it is still unknown who will die.

Seeing Wu Qi's body speed disappeared in an instant, Xiao Yu exclaimed in his heart.

"This ladder technique is really powerful! If it is a battle, it is definitely a secret technique for escape!"

From cultivation to the present, Xiao Yu has cultivated very few physical skills, but he also knows that physical skills can be used not only for combat, but also for escape.

It was only recently that he began to attach importance to body and spirit.

"So fast!" Even Luo Feng and others exclaimed.

This Wu Qi's instantaneous speed soared so fast that he almost disappeared. The people at the bottom of the mountain just saw an afterimage heading towards the top of the mountain.

Sima Kou and the others suddenly felt heavy.

They have always heard about the cloud walking a thousand meters, and now it seems that this is really not easy!

Obviously, Xiao Yu's current situation is very bad, because Wu Qi's figure is about to reach the middle of the mountainside, which is half of the entire mountain road.

Many people became anxious for Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu will have a way, didn't he catch up with him the first two times?"

"Hey, it's hard to tell. Wu Qi has even used Yun to walk a thousand meters. Obviously he is about to harvest the game."

Someone started to feel lost.

They thought there was going to be a battle, but they didn't expect that at the moment when Wu Qi's speed was pushed to the extreme, the winner would be decided.

For all this, it seemed that Bo Zhong had expected it.

However, the competition hadn't completely ended yet, instead, he was interested in knowing how many hole cards Xiao Yu could still show.

"Chong Xiao Yu, you can't lose! Otherwise, you will lose all my face!"

On the other mountain, Mo Xiaoqi was waving her fists, Qianli cheering for Xiao Yu, obviously a little worried.

The crowd of Hong Xuanfeng behind her all showed weird faces.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that unless Xiao Yu can increase his speed again and increase it to a level that can surpass the cloud stepping kilometers, it will be difficult to surpass Wu Qi.

After all, people come first, and want to come first. Doesn’t this mean faster speed?

Back to Xiao Yu.

It can be said that Wu Qi was no longer visible in Xiao Yu's sight.

"Hey, I didn't want to be exposed, but now I can only fight with you in this situation."

Xiao Yu's thoughts moved. Suddenly, the vague fluctuations in his body suddenly broke out. Then, Xiao Yu felt as if he could perceive the movement of the grass and trees around him.

His senses, as well as his six senses, have received an unprecedented improvement.

Yes, at this time, the Jinshi flash technique is truly integrated into the power of space.

In the previous two rounds, including at the beginning, Xiao Yu's Jinshi flash art was only metallic power, not spatial power.

Because this is Gu Diao's natal body skill, it originally possesses two attributes: space power and metal power.

It is precisely these two attributes that allow him to surpass his peers in speed, and even crush many spiritual arts on his rank.

Wu Qi used the cloud to walk a thousand meters, and Xiao Yu had no reason to sit still, because relying solely on the power of metal would not be able to exert the full power of the Jinshi flash technique.

And when Xiao Yu's spatial power began to diffuse out, Bai Zhong's pupils, whose consciousness enveloped the entire mountain, shrank slightly.

"This... the power of the law of space!?"


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