Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4311: I'm okay

From the thirty-third jade bottle to the thirty-sixth jade bottle, God knows how much energy and willpower Xiao Yu spent.

This has surpassed the 25 jade bottles in the next day.

And Chu Dongmen wanted to see Xiao Yu's limit, even if he carried two or three more jade bottles, it was a self-breakthrough.

When it was thirty-six jade bottles, Chu Dongmen finally discovered that Xiao Yu's soul consciousness had completely entered the brink of collapse.

Gongsun Jin's expression became more solemn.

Genius needs to be tapped and its potential is good, but it doesn't mean that you have to be destroyed by yourself in this way!

"Let's go over." Chu Dongmen was measured. His Six Senses were always sensing Xiao Yu, and he pulled Xiao Yu back on the verge of collapse. This is what he did.

This is the maximum, and while pushing out Xiao Yu's talent potential to the extreme, it will not damage Xiao Yu's foundation.

The two immediately headed towards the garden.


At this time, Xiao Yu had a splitting headache. It can be said that he exerted excessive force, which caused the blood to bleed from the seven holes. Of course, this kind of bleeding would not hurt the foundation, but his control over the soul had reached the limit.

It can be seen that Xiao Yu's soul has completely entered a gloomy state at this time, only the branches of the sky tree are shining, and the surroundings seem to be a kind of rainy weather.

Tianmu branch waved its branches, seemingly could not bear to see this scene, and halfway through, Tianmu branch tried to help Xiao Yu many times, but Xiao Yu refused.

The state in Xiao Yu's soul ocean now is a state of being about to collapse, that is, a state of "extinguishing"!

When his soul is completely extinguished, it is equivalent to his soul flying away.

"Boy, that's enough!! I can't go on like this anymore!!" Qiongqi said in a deep voice with shock.

The two had been in Xiao Yu for so long, why didn't they know Xiao Yu's character.

This kid is the one who is not dead in the Yellow River!

But now, Xiao Yu took another risk, this time it was still a soul adventure.

To be honest, even though Xiao Yu's many adventures were used to squeeze his body's talent and strength to the extreme, every time Xiao Yu was more crazy.

And now, Xiao Yu's soul is on the verge of destruction!

But Xiao Yu had no idea of ​​stopping!

"I... I... OK...!"

Xiao Yu said in his mind with a trembling and an extremely weak and hoarse voice.

The branches of Tianmu grew crazily, and the light illuminated the entire dark ocean of souls. When the branches of Tianmu dies, they are going to help Xiao Yu.

"Don't help me..."

As long as Tianmu branch thought, Mo Suhe's soul power would be injected into Xiao Yu's soul ocean, so that it could supplement the loss of Xiao Yu's soul power.

However, this was not what Xiao Yu wanted.

"These are external forces after all, not the strengths that I really cultivated myself. They cannot allow me to rely on this kind of constant. I know...I'm okay...Believe me."

This was said to the branches of Tianmu, and also to the Golden Winged Dapeng and Qiongqi.

Suddenly, these three creatures were silent.

The Tianmu branches returned to their peaceful state of suspension, and Golden Wing Roc and Qiongqi did not speak either.

Xiao Yu was too stubborn, so stubborn that he couldn't persuade at all, which made people very worried.

After all, at this point, life is the most important thing!

Soon, Chu Dongmen and Gongsun Jin also arrived ten meters away from Xiao Yu. When they saw Xiao Yu like this, their expressions suddenly moved.

"Boy, that's enough, you are already qualified to get the five-patterned earth spirit pill, quickly stop!!" Gongsun Jin immediately shouted.


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