Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4312: let me try

Xiao Yu's seven holes were overflowing with blood at this time, and his face was pale with no trace of blood.

Sitting there cross-legged, Xiao Yu seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

At the same time, getting closer, Gongsun Jin also found that Xiao Yu's soul was more than exhausted, this was the rhythm of the soul flying away!

Twenty years ago, he made a mistake with a talented child. Today, twenty years later, he will never let this history repeat itself!

No matter how good Chu Dongmen was, he was also touched by Xiao Yu's persistence.

He said solemnly: "Xiao Yu, enough, you have done well enough, and you have proven yourself."

Succinctly and concisely, the words of the two-year-old people all represent the kind of love they cherish and treat Xiao Yu.

After ten years of cultivating trees and 100 years of cultivating people, Xiao Yu was able to achieve this step as a low-level identity. It can be said that everyone close to him would be proud of him.

Xiao Yu opened his eyelids that seemed to weigh ten thousand jins, smiled weakly, and said, "Peak Master, Elder Gongsun, I'm okay, aren't there two more jade bottles... let me try..."

Gongsun Jin felt a pain in her heart, and her face was furious: "If I say no, it won't work!! I said, your test is over!! When you finish thirty, I plan to end it!! You don't need to do it anymore. Continue, otherwise I will take back the five-stranded earth spirit pill!!"

Elder Gongsun tried to threaten Xiao Yu in this way so that Xiao Yu could stop.

However, Xiao Yu grinned. This smile was confident but full of infinite persistence, but the look of weakness that seemed to be dying made people very moving.

"I know you won't take it back, do you? Moreover, if the seven-color blue lotus wants to complete the colorful state, it must have all the energy of the jade bottle, I am just a bit short."

At this time, the seven-color blue lotus already had a colorful light flowing, Gongsun Jin was angry and angry when he listened.

The reason why he prepared seventy-six jade bottles was because the seven-color blue lotus really needed so much spiritual liquid to complete the colorful state.

But don’t forget that Gongsun Jin’s original idea was that Xiao Yu could carry thirty or thirty-one on the third day, this test would be over, and he would promise Xiao Yu five-patterned earth spirit pills. .

And the second reason for preparing the seventy-six jade bottles is because Gongsun Jin knew that based on Xiao Yu's knowledge of alchemy, spiritual medicine, and seven-color blue lotus, Xiao Yu absolutely knew the seventy-six jade bottles. The spiritual fluid inside is enough.

If he were to spare a few, Xiao Yu would be able to see through his intentions, and he would know that there was Gongsun Jin’s careful thoughts, and he could still test Xiao without letting Xiao Yu doubt it. Yu's soul talent.

Therefore, Gongsun Jin did not want Xiao Yu to carry so many jade bottles on the third day!

Because he knew that for the current Xiao Yu's soul consciousness, it was almost impossible to accomplish!

Gongsun Jin's goal is not this.

But now that Gongsun Jin's goal has been achieved, how could he even let Xiao Yu take risks?

At the moment before, he had already let Xiao Yu risk his life and let Xiao Yu continue.

"The seven-color blue lotus belongs to me!! It is up to me, I don't need you anymore!!" Gongsun Jin said angrily.

Xiao Yu smiled lightly, this smile was the kind of easy-going that I used to get along with Gongsun Jin, and said: "You have tested out my soul talent, why, I am not allowed to fulfill my promise to you! "

After hearing this, Gong Sun Jin didn't realize that her eyes were slightly moist. She was as smart as Xiao Yu. She even knew his intentions, but she still had to fulfill her impossible promise to herself!

He saw a person with a sincere heart, desperate for a so-called unimportant promise.

He also saw the tenacity of risking his life to do an impossible thing in order to break through himself and reach a higher level.

He even saw a talented powerhouse who can stand on top of the world, who is rising!

Chu Dongmen exclaimed in his heart, if this son can rise in the future, it will definitely shake the world!

At this moment, Xiao Yu clenched his fists, and in the depths of his soul, a spot of light suddenly began to flicker, and it suddenly exploded. Divine Soul Dao was extremely stimulating, and then illuminated Xiao Yu's entire soul ocean.



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