Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4314: Soul bottleneck (below)

Every soul cultivator knows how difficult it is to improve the realm of the soul.

They knew that Xiao Yu was a soul cultivator, but he was only in the line of formations. The problem now is that a formation mage actually broke through the soul realm level in their pill peak or in Gongsun Jin's back garden!

What does this make them think! ?

"Did Elder Gongsun taught this kid's soul cultivation method?" someone whispered.

"Absolutely! Elder Gongsun is too unreasonable, he actually taught an outsider."

As a soul cultivator, the method of soul cultivation is naturally passed down in the same vein, but this is separate from the art of alchemy.

The elixir peak of the academy also specializes in the soul cultivation method, but to obtain the essence, it also needs Gong Sun Jin to explain.

It can be said that this method of soul cultivation is of course not passed down in the same vein, because it was passed down by the pavilion masters of the elixir peak. This is also the reason why the soul cultivation vein in each academy is stronger than that of the outer plane. .

Therefore, there is no problem in teaching students like Xiao Yu.

But in Fan Mo's opinion, the problem is big.

First of all, Xiao Yu, as a layman, actually gave pointers to his alchemy, which made Fan Mo feel very unhappy, especially, the other party's knowledge of elixir and alchemy was even deeper than him.

Secondly, he is an elite genius alchemist at the peak of Pill Medicine. Even Gongsun Jin didn't let them be alchemists in normal days, so why a kid?

The third point is that Xiao Yu's reputation has already resounded through the academy, and he has also ridiculed them, which makes them have no good impression of Xiao Yu.

Therefore, in their opinion, the things of Pill Peak should be enjoyed by the disciples of Pill Peak. How could it be the turn of an outside kid?

Of course, the most important point is that Fan Mo has always had opinions on Xiao Yu, and now Xiao Yu has surpassed him in the soul realm. Whether the opponent is an alchemist or not, he already feels a crisis in his heart, and he is deeply affected. The feeling of contempt.

Why is it that a guy who seems to be a layman in his eyes should beat himself in the soul realm?

However, Fan Mo didn't mean to blame Gongsun Jin in his heart, nor was he affected by the words of those around him.

Because he knew very well that Xiao Yu's soul talent was really there, otherwise he would not make such a big noise in the competition with Pang Kaiyu and attract so many people's attention.

Pang Kaiyu is a veritable student of the soul line who was admitted to the lower court, and Xiao Yu was just an observer.

A student who was an auditor was able to win a formal student. What does this mean? A discerning person will know what is going on.

This means that the soul cultivation method of the opponent must not be lower than the academy, and the opponent must have some chance.

Now that this kid comes to the Peak of Pill Medicine, he is actually equivalent to the identity of an observer. Will this repeat history?

Fan Mo didn't know, he only knew that he could never sit still.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Mo took a deep look into the distance before Huo Ran turned around and left.

The people around him shouted, "Fan Mo, where are you going?"

"I'm going to retreat." Fan Mo said without looking back.

Li Qiang and others knew that Fan Mo was really stimulated this time.

And they also looked far ahead, and they wanted to know what happened there.


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