Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4315: Departure tomorrow

At this time, Xiao Yu's eyes contained a kind of infinite light, and his whole person was glowing with a new look, as if he was reborn.

Xiao Yu's soul ocean was also filled with extremely powerful light.

"My soul realm has broken through!" Xiao Yu was pleasantly surprised.

You must know that Xiao Yu's soul realm, because of the lack of Divine Soul Dao, will inevitably limit his soul realm to a certain realm. This realm is now clear, it is the Earth Spirit Realm.

And you must know that when Xiao Yu reached the bottleneck in his soul last time, he borrowed the soul refining fruit to break through his soul realm. After that time, he had a feeling that the real bottleneck from the upper part of the Soul Dao was already very close. Very close.

The closer the bottleneck is, the more difficult it is to break through the current soul realm.

Therefore, from a certain angle, it can be seen that Xiao Yu was able to break through when his soul was almost lost.

And from the subconscious, Xiao Yu knew that his soul was already at a real bottleneck, so he had to use unusual methods.

This time, despite the risk, he succeeded.

Chaos reappeared in Xiao Yu's mind, but the chaos now was a lot less than it was at the peak, and the entire soul ocean was also much clearer.

The improvement of the realm of the soul is the process of continuously eliminating chaos and making the soul clear.

When the chaos in the soul is almost eliminated, it will be promoted to the spirit realm. It can be said that the spirit realm is by far the strongest existence in the realm of the soul.

Having said that, Xiao Yu's breakthrough in the soul realm this time is equivalent to entering the bottleneck ahead of time.

Yes, although Xiao Yu was still in the Earth Spirit Realm, he had reached the top.

But this is also a matter of time, but it's now ahead of schedule.

Seeing this scene, Chu Dongmen and Gongsun Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yeah, what's more amazing than crossing the line of life and death and not dying?

Soon, all the energy in the 38 jade bottles was controlled by Xiao Yu into the seven-color blue lotus.

In a short time, the seven-color blue lotus was full of light, bursting out a colorful light.


On the fourth day, when the sky had just begun to break, in front of Xiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, the seven-color blue lotus turned into a state of colorful colored glaze, which was extremely mysterious.

Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, a look of joy appeared on his face.


Chu Dongmen and Gongsun Jin also stayed here to meditate with Xiao Yu for one night. They also opened their eyes at the same time. When they saw this scene, the big stone in their hearts was finally let go.

They guarded the law because they were afraid that Xiao Yu would do something aggressive again. After all, the hearts of both of them could no longer bear it!

The two walked towards Xiao Yu, Gongsun Jin angrily blamed: "Boy, are you looking for death? You don't want to die with me!"

The so-called beating is kissing, and cursing is love. Of course, this is anger. How could Gongsun Jin bear to see such a soul genius die under his nose, but he could not dissuade him?

Chu Dongmen also sighed, shook his head, and said, "Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, you are so risky."

Chu Dongmen was very relaxed towards Xiao Yu, without any restraint, almost in a state of stocking, but this time, Chu Dongmen also spoke out to blame.

Xiao Yu nodded. Of course, he was also aware of the consequences of his actions, and said, "Pak Master Chu, Elder Gongsun, the kid knows, there will be no more in the future."

"It's strange!" Qiongqi and Golden Wing Dapeng sipped in Xiao Yu's body at the same time.

They didn't believe Xiao Yu's nonsense, they knew Xiao Yu's character too well.

Xiao Yu shrugged secretly, this time it was indeed an adventure, but next time if there was a chance, although he would still choose this path, he would be more insured.

"Elder Gongsun, the seven-color blue lotus and the seven-color state are all right." Xiao Yu looked at Gongsun Jin with a smile.

Gongsun Jin gave Xiao Yu a blank glance, flipped his hand, and a jade box appeared, and he passed it over, saying, "You kid, walking through Guimenguan, it's so easy!"

Xiao Yu took it, smiled faintly, with a smile that was very contagious and yearning, and said: "I didn't know anything earlier, and I know where my limits are, but I want to stand on the world stage."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Dongmen and Gongsun Jin became moved again.

Without arrogance or rashness, and full of confidence in the future, this child's character has gone up to the next level.

The three of them talked a few words, and Chu Dongmen said, "I have prepared the pass. When will you leave?"



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