Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4320: Mu Family Patrolmen (Part 2)

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng looked into the distance, and suddenly discovered that there were more than a dozen flying birds in the distance.

That flying bird is a kind of high-ranking monster beast, a dozen or so.

And on the backs of these spirit beasts, each one was sitting young men in tight clothes. They all looked very young, but their eyes were full of vigilance.

These dozen bird monsters stopped on top of Xiao Yu and Luo Feng's heads. At the same time, the spears of their spears shone with silver-white light, which looked very sharp.

The headed bird is bigger than the others. It is as large as twenty meters with wings spread out. On the back of this big bird, there is a young man with long hair.

The young man stared coldly at Xiao Yu and Luo Feng, and said, "Who is coming, don't you know that my Coffin Continent can't be sent here casually?"

In fact, they were very surprised.

Because there are very few channels that can be transmitted to the Coffin Continent, because many have been sealed.

The reason is very simple. In the past, too many people came here to pick elixir from the Coffin Continent, so that the people here were uneasy. Only then did the mighty one take the initiative to protect this place, and then change the name to Coffin Continent .

The continents that can be transmitted here are basically very high-class.

However, in line with their own accusations and protecting the Coffin Continent, they need to inquire clearly.

Xiao Yu flipped his hand, then took out a white jade-like brand, and threw it on.

The long-haired young man finally fixed his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the people around him also relaxed a little.

This is their passport to the mainland of the coffin. There is a special mark on the jade card, so it cannot be forged.

However, the level of this pass is not very high.

"let's go."

The young man threw the jade card back to Xiao Yu, and then left with someone.

"Boss, whose mark was on the jade card just now?"

After these people left, one of them asked.

The long-haired young man said indifferently, "I don't care."

A dozen people glanced at each other, and their hearts were secret.

What the long-haired young man said is irrelevant, it is definitely not a member of his clan, it must be a collateral family.

"This kid just let him go here?" someone asked.

After all, the people who come to their coffin continent must be under the strict care of their families. If there is any evil intention, they will be responsible.

"It's okay, the two virtual spirit realm boys can't jump too high. Recently, the competition between the clan clan has become more and more fierce, so just ignore these little things."


After the long-haired young people left, Luo Feng asked curiously: "Brother Yu, who are these people?"

"It should be the patrolman of the Mu family."

"The Mu Family?"

Xiao Yu explained: "The Mu Family is the first family in the entire Coffin Continent, with a population of 70%. It is a veritable big family. There are at least four or five places allocated by the five major temples each year."

Luo Feng was a little surprised. In the upper-middle continents like the Coffin Continent, under normal circumstances, the allocation of quotas is only two or three, and one Mu family occupies four or five!

One can imagine how powerful this Mu Family is.

"It seems that soul cultivators are really popular!" Luo Feng exclaimed.

Xiao Yu nodded slightly. Of course, he didn't know the status of the major powers of the soul cultivator in the higher planes. All these were told by Gong Sun Jin.

Gradually, Xiao Yu began to become interested in alchemy.

Of course, this was not because of the high status of the alchemist, but Xiao Yu was interested in the kind of achievements that this alchemist's profession brought him.

"Let's go."


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