Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4321: Orcish

To be honest, the Coffin Continent is a very suitable place for cultivation. Just as Xiao Yu walks in the jungle for ten minutes, it can be said that he is surrounded by a spring breeze like a big hand all the time, making him feel like he can't stop.

However, since this trip to the Coffin Continent is looking for news about the burning of fire, it cannot be so high-profile.

"It really has something to do with Burning Fire." Xiao Yu stopped, watching around.

On the way, Luo Feng was also told by Xiao Yu that he was here to find Burning Fire. Luo Feng was taken aback at the time.

The legend of Burning Fire, not to mention that the same line of alchemy master and refiner is extremely mysterious in the hearts of ordinary cultivators.

Because the Coffin Continent is the Eastern position given by the Burning Fire Road Map, after coming here, the feeling is naturally much stronger.

However, from the strong to the strong, Xiao Yu seemed to have entered a state of confusion.

This state is like, you know that the thing is here or near here, it feels so close, but it seems so far away, very strange.

"Brother Yu, how? Did you feel it?" Luo Feng asked.

Xiao Yu told Luo Feng about the road map for Burning Fire, so Luo Feng knew that Xiao Yu must have stopped and felt something.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "It's very strange. When I was in the academy, I clearly felt that Burning was in this direction. After I came here, Burning seemed to be around me, but I couldn't get close anyway."

Luo Feng thought for a while, and said, "Could it be that the closer you get, the more you will hide from Burning Fire? After all, I heard that Burning Fire is intelligent, and there are so many Burning Fires in the Nine Heavens World."

"I'm not sure either," Xiao Yu shook his head, "but since the feeling of Burning Fire is on this continent, it shouldn't be far away. We need someone to ask."

This is of course the first way and the only way.

And at this moment, suddenly, the sound of breaking wind rang in the distance of the jungle.

Xiao Yu immediately looked over, and then one person and one beast were chasing, and this so-called chase was a monster chasing a human figure.

The monster beast was very large, as large as several tens of meters, and the figure looked a little embarrassed.

This is naturally something that has nothing to do with them, Xiao Yu said directly: "Don't be nosy, go."

But at this moment, suddenly a deep roar came from a distance.

"Humans, put down Huang Ginseng, I will spare you not to die!"

Luo Feng was taken aback: "Monster Beast!"

Xiao Yu's brows were also frowned. Of course, this low voice was not from a human being, but from a monster beast, but the beast did not transform into a human form.

"Is that the upper monster beast just now? I didn't expect that the upper monster beast could speak human language. The spiritual power here is really sufficient." Luo Feng exclaimed.

Yes, the monster beast just now is indeed the strength of the upper level monster beast, and Luo Feng's attention is of course only above the open language.

But Xiao Yu is different, Xiao Yu murmured: "Huang Shenshu?"

"Brother Yu, what is Huang Shenshu?" Luo Feng asked curiously, he was only reacting now.

"That is a kind of heaven and earth spirit medicine for refining the earth spirit realm. It can be refined up to six patterns of earth spirit pills. The strength of the person just now should be at the level of the virtual spirit realm. For him, it is considered a treasure."

Xiao Yu had only "touched" the elixir of Huangshenshu in the elixir knowledge that Mo Suhe had left in his mind, and he had not actually touched it.

But speaking of it, this kind of elixir is also a good choice for him to replenish energy.

It's just that he doesn't want to cause trouble, so he still doesn't want to go to this muddy water.

And just as Xiao Yu was about to leave for the second time, there was a loud "bang" in the distance.

"Human, you are looking for death!!"

Xiao Yu had just taken a step, and he didn't know what happened. He seemed to be touched by something in his heart. He turned around and said, "Go!"


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