Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4322: Superior monster, unicorn wolf lion

far away.

I saw a four-legged monster beast with yellow hair facing the human in front of it.

The human in front looks very young, with short hair and looks like an eighteen-year-old. The resolute color on his face, above such a youthful age, has an extra maturity.

This yellow-haired monster has a head like a lion. What is peculiar is that there is an antenna on the head of the lion, but its body is like a jackal. Relatively speaking, it is not a kind of majesty, but a strong one.

The upper monster, the unicorn wolf lion!

At this moment, the antennae of the unihorn wolf lion's head were gleaming, and it was looking ferociously at the place in front of it.

The short-haired young man opposite it was holding only a group of ginseng with golden light in his hands.

This ginseng looks very strange. It is as long as half a meter, and countless roots are like old man's beard.

This is naturally yellow ginseng, which is a kind of ginseng, but the year is at least two hundred years old, so it is so precious.

"Human, you are looking for death!!"

The one-horned wolf lion roared, and immediately the tentacles on its head began to flicker, countless rays of light began to condense, and then turned into a laser and lased towards the short-haired youth.


This laser is very terrifying, and along the way, the air seems to have evaded to both sides.

That kind of terrifying momentum actually aroused the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

The unicorn wolf lion is a mutated monster beast, but it is also because of the strong spiritual power of heaven and earth here in the Coffin Continent that it proudly possesses a powerful body and power that exceeds the monster beast of the same level.

This kind of power attack is far beyond what the Void Spirit Realm can withstand.

After all, Huangshenshu are all heaven and earth elixir that can refine the six-stripe earth spirit realm, and the six-stripe earth spirit pill can not be absorbed by the pure spirit realm. One can imagine how precious Huangshenshu is.

For the same reason, this is of course a big tonic for the upper monster beast.

The short-haired young man's complexion changed wildly. He has been chased by the unicorn wolf lion for an hour. It can be said that this kind of pursuit has made his chance of winning even more slim.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, his body was radiant, his speed rose suddenly, and then he rushed to other places.


In the same place, a huge crater was suddenly blown out, and the horrible fluctuations caused the short-haired youth to fly tens of meters away.

This time the unicorn wolf lion was really furious. It was originally proficient and intelligent, and coexisted friendly with the people here.

The so-called people do not offend me and I do not offend people. The unicorn wolf lion is a kind of spirit beast, so it will not actively attack humans, but this human has robbed its elixir and will not return it.

It's too late to say that the unicorn wolf lion is really a killer, and the light constantly bursts from its unicorn.

"Boom boom boom!"

The whole jungle shook, which made the short-haired young man extremely embarrassed. He was almost hit by the laser several times and almost died.


The short-haired young man escaped another blow, but this time, the shock of energy made his arms numb, but he still held Huang Ginshou tightly.

"Human, I give you one last chance!! Hand it over, otherwise I will kill you!"

The one-horned wolf lion also stopped attacking, but the light shining above its tentacles was even crazier.

"This guy obviously didn't have a chance, and he didn't let go. Isn't this just looking for death?"


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