Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4330: Eavesdrop

Inside a room of the Mu family.

There are two figures in the room, and one of them is the ugly woman, the young lady of the Mu family.

The other figure was a thin young man, who was in his twenties and looked extremely ugly.

With the same dark skin, his eyes are like rat eyes.

"Huang Shenshu got it?" the young man asked.

"Well, it has already been used for alchemy." The ugly woman looked a little excited.

The dark-skinned young man nodded, his small eyes narrowed slightly, and said: "I didn't expect that guy could be so capable. In the Void Spirit Realm, he can get Huang Ginseng from the hands of the unicorn wolf lion, even if he finds it. Dad, you may not get it."

"It seems that two of his friends helped." The ugly woman thought for a while and said.

"I heard someone say that those two people are in the virtual spirit realm?" the young man asked again.

"Yes, the strength is not very strong. I didn't pay much attention at the time, but now I think about it, it's a bit strange." The ugly woman thought for a while and said.

The young man's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Don't say three virtual spirit realms, but three pure spirit realms. It is impossible to obtain Huang Ginshou from the one-horned wolf lion. The identity of these two people is probably not simple."

"What to do?" The ugly woman frowned, "Does Luqiu know something?"

The young man sneered and said: "This guy has the handle in our hands, and with his character, he won't betray us, but in order to avoid long nights and dreams, I will step up and let them practice alchemy, and you must hurry up here. absorb."

Thinking of this, the ugly woman said indifferently: "Don't worry, that guy is ignorant and doesn't know what I'm doing. What's more, since he has come to our Mu family, his life will naturally belong to our Mu family."

The youth nodded slightly and said, "But you still don't want to be so frequent, otherwise he will know. Although he has no ambitions, I am afraid he will find something. With his talent, I am afraid that it will be our loss."

"Brother, don't worry about this, for men, I have a hand, I will let him obediently surrender to me." After all, the ugly woman's eyes showed complacency.

And the young man nodded slightly, and didn't say much.

But at this moment, the young man's eyes drenched and he let out a cold cry: "Who!?"

He swept out, and immediately opened the door and rushed out, but when he reached the door, the surrounding was empty and there was nothing, which made his brow frown.

The ugly woman also ran out and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

The young man glanced around, his six senses were released to the maximum, but he still didn't sense anything.

After a while, he shook his head and said, "No, I seemed to have discovered someone watching us just now."

The ugly woman said: "I thought it was something. In Qingmu Town, there are not many people who can be better than you, and who would dare to come to our Mu family to make trouble? It must be that you are a little nervous about practicing recently."

The young man thought for a while, and it seemed that he felt the same thing, and then greeted him before returning to his room.


At this time, Xiao Yu's room.

Xiao Yu's closed eyes suddenly opened, and there was a solemn look in his eyes.

"Good risk, I was almost discovered just now."


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