Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4331: Mu Wanxin (Part 1)

It turned out that Xiao Yu just used the branches of the sky tree to sneak into the ground and spread to their room to eavesdrop on their conversation.

After all, the branches of Tianmu were not simple things, and it was impossible for ordinary people to sense them, but it was because of this that Xiao Yu almost exposed his identity.

Perhaps it was because I was too interested in this Mu family, and seeing Luqiu's hard work, Huang Ginshou who had to fight back with his life, just gave this ugly woman his hands, the kind of doubt in Xiao Yu's heart It's even deeper.

Although this is someone else's family affair, it is not convenient for outsiders to manage so much, but this is related to his own way to inquire about news in the Coffin Continent and in the Mu family, so he still plans to gossip.

Who knows, it's okay if you don't inquire, but after inquiring, it has let Xiao Yu know something that shouldn't be known.

First, this Huangshenshu was used by them to refine a certain high-level pill.

Second, Luqiu was used.

Third, even if Luqiu is used, it seems to be in danger of life.

Fourth, it was also what Xiao Yu felt was the most dangerous. The two brothers and sisters seemed to be careful not to Luqiu, and even seized Luqiu's handle to threaten him.

"No wonder Luqiu is like this. It turns out that he was not willing." Xiao Yu was silent.

He had long noticed the change in Luqiu's expression.

It is a kind of endurance, a kind of humiliation, but there is no alternative.

"Is it related to his mother? Is that kind of relationship between him and the two siblings?" Xiao Yu had this question in his heart again.

However, Luqiu had said that he was the son-in-law of the Mu family, and Xiao Yu didn't know how many young ladies there were in the Mu family, and whether Luqiu and the ugly woman were married.

And if it is, this is too nonsense, right?

Recalling the scene when Lu Qiu kneeled down and asked the unicorn wolf lion to lend this Huang Ginseng to Lu Qiu to save his mother's life, the kind of filial piety from the heart, or incompetence towards himself , And a cruel heart to reality.

Luqiu is only eighteen years old, how much does he bear?

Between Xiao Yu's doubts, the door opened, and a figure swept in, and it was the sneaky Luo Feng.

"Brother Yu, it's amazing!" Luo Feng looked very excited, as if he had discovered the new world, with a thought-provoking smile in his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Hey, do you know what I've inquired about? I'm definitely immortal at the age of a hundred and I have an anecdote. I told you." Luo Feng said.

"Don't sell Guanzi, is it about Luqiu and this Mu family?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Yes, let me ask you first, how old do you think that woman is? Isn't it ugly?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Stop talking nonsense, and speak quickly."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Brother Yu, let me tell you, this woman's name is Mu Wanxin, she is the eldest lady of the Mu family, alas, let me go, this name is a big beauty at first glance, but it's a pity that she has grown up A person who doesn't match her name. I found out from people in the Mu family that she is a famous ugly girl in Qingmu Town, and she is almost thirty years old this year!"

"What then?" Xiao Yu frowned, wishing to beat this guy.

"Then, this Mu Wanxin turned out to be Luqiu's Taoist companion, that is, Xiang Gong!"

Xiao Yu's eyes widened suddenly and looked at Luo Feng incredulously.

Although he had already guessed that the relationship between Luqiu and this family might not be shallow, and he even denied the relationship between Luqiu and Mu Wanxin in every possible way, he did not expect it to be true!


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