Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4337: Huang Lao (Part 1)

From the time He Luqiu returned to Mu's place, Xiao Yu had noticed the changes in Luqiu's expression.

When in the mountains and forests, and when in Mujia, it can be said that Luqiu has two looks at all.

When he was in the mountains and forests, Lu Qiu didn't have the kind of patience and humiliation on his face, there was no pressure, and some were relaxed.

But when he came back to the Mu family, especially when he saw the high-rise compound of the Mu family, Lu Qiu's face became heavy.

Moreover, Lu Qiu still hides something in their words, some words are afraid to speak as much as they want, and some words seem to be suppressed.

Luqiu smiled immediately and said: "Nothing, I want to ask Brother Xiao, what is the grade of the spirit pill you refined? I can help you find it, because the best alchemist here in Qingmu Town can only Refining the Sixth Grade Earth Spirit Pill."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of something. Luo Feng's heart moved. He glanced at Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu remained calm, so he didn't say anything.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I don't need the Sixth Grade Earth Spirit Pill. My master's cultivation base is much higher than mine. He thinks the Five Pattern Earth Spirit Pill is the best for me.

Luqiu nodded slightly, but seemed relieved.

Xiao Yu was surprised again. Luqiu didn't conceal this, and smiled bitterly, saying, "The alchemist who can refine the sixth-grade earth spirit pill is more difficult to hire, so if it is a five-stripe earth spirit pill, there are two. Three. Tomorrow I will help you ask if they have been doing alchemy recently. After all, alchemists spend most of their time doing alchemy."

"Okay, then it will work."

Luqiu was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Are there any special requirements? I can find a suitable alchemist according to your requirements."

Luo Feng immediately replied: "That's right, it's best to be an alchemist who is proficient in fire-attribute spirit pills, because our elixir is fire-attributed."

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, and this guy was fine with anything!

Sure enough, Lu Qiu listened and said in amazement: "No, according to this, the alchemist that should be found should be the one who is proficient in wood-attribute spirit pills. The wood in the five elements makes fire. Many alchemists in our coffin continent have Is qualified."

In fact, what Luqiu said is correct.

Because the fire pill contains a lot of fire attribute energy, the energy of these fire attributes is naturally contained in the elixir.

And if you want to stimulate more or more complete elixir's fire attribute energy, then if the soul has a strong ability to perceive wood attributes, it will refine the elixir more thoroughly during alchemy.

Of course, as a qualified alchemist, he should be proficient in the perception of attributes such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

It’s just that there are too many heaven and earth elixir here in the Coffin Continent, and the energy is too large. Over time, whether it is the physical quality of the people here or the perception of the soul, the energy perception ability of life, wood attributes, etc. will naturally be strong. a lot of.

Xiao Yu opened his mouth and said: "That's it. Although wood makes fire, our elixir is special. The fire attribute he mentioned just now is the flame of the alchemist. The purer the flame, the higher the energy of the fire attribute. , Then the better it can stimulate the medicinal properties of the elixir, because different elixir have different attributes, and they are not all based on the five elements, and some are relatively special."

Lu Qiu thoughtfully nodded his head, seemingly understandable, and said, "It turns out that alchemy is so complicated."

Then Lu Qiu moved in his heart and said, "But when you say that, I know one, who happens to be one of the three, and this is the only alchemist who is not from the Mu family."

"Then it will work."


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