Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4338: Huang Lao (Part 2)

After making an appointment with Luqiu, Luqiu left.

After Luqiu left, Xiao Yu glanced at Luo Feng, and the latter smiled.

"I'm not here to help."

Xiao Yu said helplessly: "I was almost discovered by him. Fortunately, he doesn't know much about alchemy."

"Then Brother Yu, what are you going to do?"

"Let's take a look at the tone of that alchemist. Since Lu Qiu said he is proficient in fire attributes, his flames should not be ordinary flames."

At noon the next day.

As expected, Luqiu did things quickly. He found someone in the morning, and then took Xiao Yu and the others to the home of an alchemist at noon.

After a night of rest, Luqiu was obviously not as weak as it was done, but his face was still a little pale.

This is a slightly more remote house in the city. The house does not seem to be very tall, but it can be regarded as a kind of appearance. There are terraces, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water.

When he came to the pavilion, there was an old man waiting.

The old man's face was ruddy and his breath was steady, but his eyes looked extremely shrewd.

"Old Huang, my friend brought it." Luqiu said respectfully.

Seeing Luqiu, Mr Huang couldn't help but take another look. He shook his head slightly and said, "Did you have **** again last night? Did you take the medicine I prescribed you before?"

Luqiu smiled awkwardly, but still said: "If I eat, otherwise I won't be able to recover in two days."

"This always treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. To treat the root cause, there is only the way I said." Huang Lao said again.

Luqiu sighed and said, "Old Huang, thank you for your kindness. You know I can only do this."

Huang Lao shook his head slightly and said nothing more.

On the contrary, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng were confused, but they knew from their conversations that the relationship between the two seemed to be good.

Then, Huang Lao's eyes were looking at Xiao Yu and Luo Feng.

Both of them are in the virtual spirit realm, and there is nothing to look at, but Huang Lao stared at Xiao Yu for a long time, as if vaguely touched by something in his heart.

He wanted to capture, but it seemed that he couldn't capture it.

When Luo Feng saw the scene, he also became nervous.

He knew that Xiao Yu was an array mage, and his soul level was not low.

At this moment, they are hiding their strength, and they definitely cannot be discovered.

However, Xiao Yu remained calm and did not change anything.

"Old sir, you think I have been a long time." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Only then did Mr. Huang withdraw his eyes, because although he noticed a little movement from Xiao Yu's body, he couldn't catch much.

"You are the one who Luqiu said to refine the spirit pill, aren't you?" Huang Lao asked.

Luqiu was a little embarrassed. After all, he brought the people. He quickly said: "Old Huang, this is the friend who helped me get Huang Shenshu."

"Huang Senshu!!?" Huang Lao listened, his eyes flashed with a flash of light, he looked very excited.

But soon, he just beat his chest and feet, shook his head and said: "Needless to say, you took it all to that guy, you should know that I can help you find someone more powerful."

"Lao Huang." Lu Qiu shook his head slightly, as if to beckon Huang Lao not to continue, because Lu Qiu's eyes seemed helpless, and there were outsiders present.

This scene fell into Xiao Yu's eyes, making Xiao Yu even more certain that Luqiu had many secrets.

"It's fine, since it's your friend, I will help him, you go back first."

"Thank Huang Lao."

Luqiu looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Brother Xiao, Elder Huang will help you refine alchemy, so I will go back first."


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