Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4345: Within

Through the curtain, it is a corridor.

There is a courtyard on the right hand side of the corridor, and rooms on the left hand side. There are more than a dozen rooms in a row.

However, in the corridor, Xiao Yu heard the gasp of "嘤嘤咛咛" and the voice of excitement.

Needless to say, Xiao Yu knew what this place was. This was a brothel!

Unexpectedly, there is a brothel hidden in the small gambling house!

But if it’s a brothel, wouldn’t it be enough to open it upright? How could it be sneaky.

Luo Feng's face was red and his ears were dry at this time, and even his eyes were flashing with a certain light. He seemed to enjoy these scenes and sounds very much.

Xiao Yu shuddered and cursed: "You kid, how come you brought me to this place, hurry up!"

Sin, sin!

Xiao Yu is a handsome man, but now it is not the place where the wind is full of glory!

Luo Feng was agitated by Xiao Yu's violent horror, wiped his head, and immediately said a little aggrieved: "I'm not here to see what's going on."

"Fart, you already knew it, you did it on purpose." Xiao Yu was a little amused.

However, Xiao Yu really didn't want to stay in this place. After all, it was really easy to make people think about it.

Xiao Yu was about to leave again, and Luo Feng hurriedly stopped, and said, "Brother Yu, you don't want to know why the guy with a big enough heart Mu Wan just now chose to come here instead of going to the brothel outside with integrity?"

"I have no interest!"

"I told you that more than 70% of the shops in Qingmu Town are owned by the Mu family, including the brothel. You said that if that guy goes to prostitution in an open manner, isn't it just looking for death?"

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes and said, "But you also need to know that since Mu Wanxin is looking for a man everywhere, then she definitely won't care about this person, right?"

"Hey, you're right, but what if someone behind him speaks ill of Mu Wanxin?" Luo Feng said with a smile.

Xiao Yu frowned.

Luo Feng explained: “Mu Wanxin doesn’t mind if others say she doesn’t obey her, because no one dares to speak face to face, but she hates others secretly calling her ugly. I heard that several beautiful women once said she was ugly, Going around with men, those women were cruelly disfigured by her."

"Are you thinking?" Xiao Yu seemed to understand Luo Feng's meaning.

"But in this way, it's a big noise," Xiao Yu said.

"What does it matter? We just have to eat melon next to him, hehe, Brother Yu, you help me find out which room that guy is in, leave the rest to me, I know you can do it." Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu, there is that kind of playfulness in his eyes.

This guy is too childish.

But Xiao Yu thought for a while, if that's the case, he would become Luo Feng.


The two immediately sat down in the courtyard, and Xiao Yu was restrained, his soul consciousness shrouded.

In order to avoid being affected by some untimely sounds, Xiao Yu cut off outside sounds and only searched for breath wholeheartedly.

There are actually many ways to find the breath, such as the detection of soul consciousness, the branches of the sky tree, or the secret method.

After all, Xiao Yu's current soul realm is actually much stronger than before. According to his speculation, he can now start to practice the sixth-rank formation.

The sixth-rank formation is already the strongest formation that the Earth Spirit Formation Master can condense, and its power directly surpasses the attacks of the Three Spirit Realm!

Therefore, in a mere virtual spirit realm, it is simply too easy to use the soul to detect it. What's more, in such a tense environment, the emotions of the other party will naturally relax a lot.

After a while, Xiao Yu opened his eyes and said, "I found it, it's the third room from the bottom."

"Hey, okay, you're up to me for the rest." Luo Feng squinted, and then he moved his two-handed seal one after another.


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