Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4346: laughing stock

Luo Feng closed his eyes, and then Fayin changed one after another.

From Luo Feng's body, strange energy fluctuations permeated, and Xiao Yu watched this scene curiously.

In fact, Xiao Yu had never seen Luo Feng fight, or shot, or used some other secret method. He only knew that Luo Feng had a **** pattern, and his talent potential was extraordinary.

Soon, after a few minutes, Luo Feng opened his eyes, his eyes lit up, and he narrowed his smile.

"Hahaha, Brother Yu, let's go, the show is about to begin."

After all, Luo Feng took Xiao Yu and left the gambling house, and directly returned to Mu Family.

This made Xiao Yu even more surprised, but he also knew that Luo Feng was a little devil, so he let him alone.

But the two of them came to the yard, and the opposite was Mu Wanxin's room.

After Mu Wanxin fooled around with the young man, she returned.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Yu asked in a low voice.

Although Mu Wanxin looks ugly, she is Miss Mu Family, and he doesn't want Luo Feng to mess around.

"Don't worry, this Mu Wanxin will become the laughing stock of the entire Mu family."

Xiao Yu looked forward to the smug smile in Luo Feng's eyes instead.

Immediately after Luo Feng suddenly reached the sky, a ray of light flew up, and that ray of light became more and more prosperous.

Xiao Yu felt that it was strange at first, but soon, the light exploded silently, and then the whole Mu family heard the sigh of gasping.

It's almost like it's in my ears.

All at once was to surprise the whole Mu family, and then they came out of the room one after another.

Especially those of the younger generation, their faces are red, their eyes are shining.

Of course, Xiao Yu is no exception, because this scene is almost exactly the same as heard inside a gambling house.


Mu Chunhao also walked out of his room, his face suddenly sinking.

Soon, a guard ran over.

"Master, no suspicious person was found."

Listening to the light in the sky, Mu Chunhao didn't know what happened.

But this sound plane was too imaginative, so he planned to eliminate it.

However, the sound of turning clouds and rain stopped temporarily at this time, and then there was a breathless voice.

"Master Zhang, you are really amazing, no wonder the Mu Family woman is fascinated by you, giggle."

The laughter Yanran's voice echoed in everyone's ears, which was really uncontrollable.

But soon, Mu Family's complexion changed drastically.

That woman from Mu Family?

Could it be...

Sure enough, Mu Chunhao's face was a little cold.

"Hehe, that ugly woman, I just fancy her pill. If she wasn't for the Mu family's eldest lady, and the spirit pill, do you think I would take the initiative to come to the door? Pooh!"

"This guy wants to be out of shape, want to look out of shape, you don't know that I want to throw up every time I see him."

Then the delicate woman's voice chuckled and said: "Then why are you still clinging to her all day?"

"No way, who made her Miss Mu Family? She has so many spirit pills on her body! Think about it, who is close to her in Qingmu Town not for her spirit pills?"

The woman grinned and said, "Yes, that Luqiu who is called the son of the turtle?"



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