Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4353: The Unspeakable of Luqiu (Part 1)

Huang Zhe was very surprised. In Qiu Zhang’s words, Luqiu’s mother’s disease is very rare. It can be said that Qiu Zhang also spent a lot of energy, and it took a while to detect the condition in his body. of.

But this young man actually saw through it the first time?

Of course Huang Zhe didn’t know. Xiao Yu knew it not because of Xiao Yu’s soul perception, nor because of Xiao Yu’s strength, but because Xiao Yu was a person who swallowed a spiritual core, he was an innate life spirit body. !

Therefore, as long as it contains vitality in the world, he can clearly feel its vitality.

Therefore, when Xiao Yu was outside the door, he had already noticed the situation of Luqiu's mother.

It was just that when I went in, because Qiu Zhang was saving people, it was hard for Xiao Yu to ask anything.

Huang Zhe sighed, as if he didn't want to say too much to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "I know that Luqiu has undertaken a lot. Everything he does is for his mother. He doesn't want his friends to know too much, because he knows that he can bear all these sufferings, but I Seeing his enthusiasm for cultivation and the future, it is precisely because of this that I want to know more."

Given Xiao Yu's so many experiences and his habit of seeing the bleak character of the world, he would not just be a good old man or do a thankless thing.

As he said at the beginning, Lu Qiu was the son-in-law of the Mu family. He was a member of the Mu family. Xiao Yu was not qualified and could not have his turn to intervene, and he still had a task on him.

However, until Xiao Yu slowly understood Luqiu’s sufferings, and realized that Luqiu was under such tremendous pressure and had the dignity to go to Zhumu’s house, the purpose of which was to save his sick mother, Xiao Yu’s The mentality has changed.

At first, it seemed to him that Luqiu and Mu Wanxin were just using each other, but from a certain angle, Luqiu was all for his mother!

And still a half-dead!

Today, if Qiu Zhang were not instilling energy to sustain Luqiu's mother's life, I would like to ask, can Luqiu's mother's life be saved?

the answer is negative.

And according to Xiao Yu's knowledge, Luqiu's mother was already seriously ill when he entered Zhumu's house two years ago!

Just ask, what is the perseverance and belief that made Luqiu give up the opportunity to go to a higher training place-the five great temples, come here to endure the humiliation and be looked down upon by the entire Qingmu town?

It is because of Luqiu's filial piety to his mother that he does not abandon or give up, that makes Luqiu bear such a reputation!

It can be said that Xiao Yu is kind and compassionate.

At the same time, it was also because in Luqiu's body, he saw patience and humiliation, and saw the words filial piety.

Who doesn't want to have an opportunity to practice in the five great temples?

But who can easily let go of this opportunity?

I'm afraid not many people.

Because even if it was for Xiao Yu to choose, he would be like Lu Qiu.

Hundreds of good filial piety first, this is the main reason why Xiao Yu decided to "do more of nosy.

Huang Zhe clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Do you think we don't want to help him? But as I said before, this is his own choice. Even if he kneels, he has to grit his teeth and go down because he has no choice! "

But at this moment, only a heavy cough was heard.


Qiu Zhang spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Qiu Zhang!"


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