Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4354: Luqiu's Unspeakable (Part 2)


Two years ago, Luqiu had just turned sixteen, but his extraordinary talents had reached the level of the initial spiritual realm.

At the beginning of sixteen years old!

If this is placed in the Cangling Academy, you can directly enter the Upper Court as soon as you enter the Academy!

The point is that Luqiu has no background!

Such an amazing talent for cultivation made him one of the seven students recruited by the five major temples in the Coffin Continent two years ago, and the remaining six were members of the Mujiaben clan.

You know, the small Qingmu Town is the weakest town in the Coffin Continent, but it has such a genius, enough to imagine its huge talent and potential.

After all, look at Zhangqiu, in his ancient years, he was no more than pure spirit realm.

Look at the strongest person in Qingmu Town, who is also the Patriarch of the Mu Family, and his strength just exceeds the Three Spirit Realm.

This makes Deluqiu favored by the five great temples.

Two years ago, Yunsheng College, Lingtian College, and Zifu College each recruited one student from the Coffin Continent. Only Chenyuan College and Cangling College had two students here.

After all, powerful students will not easily assign too many places to the major continents and clan forces, because they are not known for their number, but for their talent and strength.

Two years ago, Luqiu didn't say that the five temples could be chosen at will, but at least Cangling College and Chenyuan College were fine.

Like all family powers, regions, and even continents, if you want to get a place, you must pass the assessment of their respective spheres of influence.

However, just two years ago, Luqiu's mother suddenly fell ill with a serious illness. This disease caused Luqiu, who was very popular in the entire Coffin Continent, to abandon the assessment, and then Luqiu went to seek medical treatment everywhere.

It wasn't until the Alchemist of the Mu family appeared that he could alleviate the life of Luqiu's mother, and at this point, there was everything behind-entering the Zumu family.

Lu Qiu originally thought that joining Zhu Mu's family would save his mother's life. Who knows, Mu's family told Lu Qiu that his mother's illness is very difficult to treat, and can only alleviate the condition and maintain life.

Although Luqiu was distressed, but he could only accept it, and always endured the humiliation.

In this way, such a talented person, with the passage of time, was gradually forgotten, and his talent became mediocre.

In the past two years, Luqiu's strength has only increased by one level, which can be said to be very slow.

"In two years, has Luqiu turned into a useless person?" Luo Feng was suddenly startled.

"Yes, we feel sorry for Luqiu too!"

Huang Zhe was filled with righteous indignation, and said: "We thought that Luqiu entered the Zumu family, and no matter how bad it is, there are enough resources for cultivation, but there is no! Luqiu still needs to experience it by himself, and still needs to find a spiritual pill to practice!"

"The most irritating thing is that the Mu family asked Luqiu to pick extremely dangerous elixir on the grounds that the elixir was scarce, because only the alchemist of the Mu family can cure Luqiu's mother's disease, so Luqiu did it! "

"But do you know what danger Luqiu is going to face?" Qiu Zhang said angrily, "Because the alchemist of Mu family said that it is the so-called six-patterned earth spirit pill, which needs to be cherished elixir, and those elixir protects Yes, they are basically high-ranked monsters like unihorn wolf lions! How can a person with only the elementary spirit realm deal with it?"

When Xiao Yu and Luo Feng heard this, they suddenly thought of the unicorn wolf lion that Luo Feng met that day. It turned out that there was such a thing.

"What about the result?" Luo Feng asked again.

"The result is that every time Luqiu came back with injuries, and nearly lost his life two or three times. His time was spent on these useless monsters that were too taller than him, so how could it be possible? Practice hard? What angered us most was a year ago!"


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