Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4355: Genius to mediocrity (Part 1)

Indeed, from a certain perspective, facing monsters is indeed a kind of experience, and it is also a path that many people would choose.

But you know, this doesn't mean you have to face too many monsters than you are!

The so-called experience, the so-called adventure, are things that you have to do within your own ability. Although it is dangerous, at least the chance of surviving is relatively large, and you can control it.

However, if a primordial realm dare to face the superior existence of the unihorn wolf lion among the upper monster beasts, is this still experience? This is simply looking for death.

On the one hand, the purpose of the experience is not achieved at all, and on the other hand, it is a waste of time. These are second, and the most important thing is that there will be life danger.

"What happened a year ago?" Xiao Yu asked, frowning.

Because they also said before that this year, if it weren't for them to maintain, the old woman would have died.

Speaking of this, Huang Zhe's face was even more ugly, and he said angrily: "What else can it be, Mu Family! They give Luqiu a low-quality spirit pill, and let Luqiu take the risk to kill someone with a higher level than him? I don't care about monsters with them, but they are too much, they keep lowering the quality of their spirit pills, and later, they just let Luqiu's mother continue her life!"

Speaking of this, not only Huang Zhe, but also Qiu Zhang are both very sad.

Qiu Zhang's voice actually became hoarse, and said, "The original Luqiu's mother was able to get out of bed and walk around. At most it was sick, not coma. Since the Mu family reduced the quality of the spirit pill a year ago, Luqiu's mother has been in a coma for a year."

Luo Feng was shocked and asked, "Didn't Luqiu ask the Mu Family for an explanation? How can Luqiu also contribute a lot to their Mu Family!"

From the words of Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng can of course hear them.

A year ago, Luqiu went to pick the elixir, so he must have entered the Mu family's pocket.

The scene like Luqiu picking yellow ginseng when he was killed by a one-horned wolf lion, and then turned his head back and gave Mu Wanxin the best example.

Moreover, for the life of his mother, Luqiu certainly did not dare to play tricks, because he had the handle to be caught by the Mu family.

But the Mu Family got such a great benefit, and even worsened the quality of the pill?

"Lüqiu knew about it, and he had also sought out Mu Wanxin, but Mu Wanxin ignored it at all. They refused to provide higher-level spirit pills on the grounds that they were expensive, and even refused to maintain the original level of spirit pills. But Luqiu can only endure it! Because the only person who can treat his mother's illness is Mu Family!"


Luo Feng couldn't see it anymore, gritted his teeth and said: "This Mu family is too unkind, right? Knowing that Luqiu's life is pitiful, they are taking advantage of the fire!"

Lu Qiu had a great future, but because of his mother, he sacrificed his talent and future to stay in this small place.

"Mu Wanxin is a scheming female watch! She has a mediocre talent. Since He Luqiu became a Taoist couple, her cultivation level can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds. You can imagine, in two years, what it is to go from a heavenly sun to a virtual spirit. Concept?" Qiu Zhang gritted his teeth again, his eyes very angry.

Luo Feng was shocked and said: "This woman is now thirty-two, that is to say, she is only in the Heavenly Sun Realm at the age of 30, and in two years, she has reached the Three Spirit Realm! Does this Taoist couple have such great benefits? "


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